
Still not sitting up alone

Hey everyone! My son is 8 mo actual 6 mo adjusted and is still not sitting up on his own. Some days it seems like he's close to sitting by himself then some days he's like a limp noodle! All he wants to do when I sit him down is push his feet on the ground and stand up! He's even starting to bring his knees under him and act like he's crawling and starting to push himself backwards, but no sitting! His developmental clinic had no concerns at our last visit but I just feel like he should be sitting on his own. Has anyone else experienced this?

Re: Still not sitting up alone

  • KTZ17KTZ17 member
    My DD crawled before she sat up, actually the day before. She did both at 8 months & one week actual, 6 months adjusted. But keep in mind that with any baby there's a range of normal for milestones. If your developmental clinic isn't worried, try not to worry either. He will do it eventually!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • That's still within normal for sitting which is why the developmental clinic is not concerned.  Just continue to encourage it through tummy time which will strengthen his belly/truck support and give him time to practice sitting with a boppy or basic support near him.  Sitting independently is a 8-10 month skill and that doesn't even take in to account he's adjusted of 6 months.  


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  • MinaE01MinaE01 member
    DS was about 8.5 actual 6.5 adj. when he sat by himself. He was at the back end of every milestone - he didn't roll over consistently until about 7 mo. adjusted. He didn't crawl until almost 9 mo. adj. and he didn't walk until 14 mo. adj. I wouldn't worry about it. Babies do things at their own pace.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


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