DS would get 30 minutes of PT from school.
DH took DS to an OT & PT place to get evaluated for private services for the summer and they asked me why DS needed to be evaluated. I told them he receives both services at school and to please evaluate so DS cannot have much regression.
They did evaluate and claimed DS needs 2 hours of PT. I am planning on getting the PT eval to see why and if I should push for more time in an IEP if needed.
If I was to rank services in my opinion in regards to DS this is how I would rate them: 1. ABA, 2. Speech, 3. OT, 4. Social Work, 5. PT. Without ABA everything will move up one slot up.
Is this actually possible? I don't care for PT and now it is biting my behind.
Can you please tell me why do we need PT fellow ASD bumpies?
Re: ASD ? about PT
I am under the impression that this private PT might have noticed something the school PT did not see.
Does this ever happen between professionals like the PT at school and private PT?
Yes, it happens that professionals disagree, particularly those getting paid by insurance versus resource guarding for a school district.
and yes as the others have noted private OT who is being paid by insurance is likely to recommend the ideal amount of therapy whereas a school district is likely to protect its resources by doing the minimal necessary.
I rank his therapies the same way with PT last. But, it does matter. I am starting to notice he is starting to notice his own limits when he plays with other kids at the park when he can't do everything other kids his age can.
Also, I find PT helps support OT - the body awareness exercises help build his propioceptive system which is a big part of improving sensory integration.