
Holy Meds Batman!!

I received my meds yesterday.  That is a lot of meds and I feeling very overwhelmed about it now.  I did not have my meds in time for my teaching appointment.  I thought I soaked in everything that she told me, but clearly I didn't.  I now wrote down the way that I think she explained it to me and I will ask a nurse when I go in for day 3 blood work.  This is my first IVF cycle and it is getting real. 
I am 37 and DH is 40
10/2012 Start TTC
09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled


Re: Holy Meds Batman!!

  • Good luck! I felt pretty overwhelmed when I took everything out of the box, too. What I found that helped me was to organize all the meds, syringes and prescription bottles. It made it easier come stim time and helped me compartmentalize.

    Take notes when you go back and speak with the nurse. It was 5 weeks from my session to when we started and I didn't remember anything without the notes. Plus I always want to double check every step.
    **Signature Warning**

    Dx PCOS August 2012
    Clomid x4 = BFN
    Femara+Follistim IUIs x 6 = 3 BFN, 2 C/P, 1 early miscarriage
    IVF June 2014- 43 R, 34 M, 24 F, 12 blasts frozen and severe OHSS
    FET September 12, 2014!
    Beta #1 12dp5dt- 724
    Beta #2 14dp5dt- 1631
    Beta #3 20dp5dt- 12,813
    Pending EDD at first OB appointment 11/6. Grow babies grow!

    "I might have to wait. I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck. 
    Wherever you are, whenever it's right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life." ~ Michael Buble


  • Erma81Erma81 member
    It is overwhelming at first! But after a few times you will do it like a pro B-) My DH finds it quite impressive to see me stick needles in my body as if it was the most normal thing for me to do ;) GL! Hope you're lucky on the first try!
    Me: 33, blocked tubes, high level of NKC | DH: 33, perfectly fine. TTC since 2010
    IVF#1 (feb. 13): 1 3dt, BFN (nothing left for the freezer)
    IVF#2 (may 13): 1 3dt, BFN (nothing left for the freezer)
    IVF#3 (oct. 13): 1 5dt, BFN, but 2 frosties!
    FET (feb. 14): 1 frosty didn't make it, 1 blast, BFN
    IVF#4 (may 14): had 1 intralipid transfusion on 5dt of two very fine blasts, BFN. But 1 frosty!
    FET #2 (nov. 14): 5dt of a fine hatching blast. BFN

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
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  • @sweetpotato123  Thank you! I have about 2 weeks until I start.  The nurse gave me notes but everything is abbreviated and arrows.  I can't follow that.  I have translated it into my own notes and will verify my notes with them the next time that I am there. 
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • It also really helped me to watch YouTube videos on how to mix and inject the medications.
    Me: 30 DH: 30 ~ TTC #1 Since August 2011 
    BFP #1 2/28/13, Ectopic, Tubal surgery 3/25 
    Began RE testing 8/8, Dx Unexplained, 
    IUI #1 11/1=BFN Moving on to IVF 
    IVF #1 12/2 ER 8R 7M 4 fertilized
    12/7 Transferred 2 "perfect" little blasts 12/17 BFN
    New DX= DOR, I fu*kng hate IF
    1/14 Hysteroscopy, new clean uterus!
    IVF #2: bcp, Lupron, follistim 300, menopur 225. 2/21 8R 4M 3F. 3dt of 2 perfect embryos. 1 little penguin 
     3/10 BFFN
    Regrouping. Seeing reproductive immunologist Dr. Kwak Kim 6/10 
    Kwak Kim protocol: Metformin 1000mg, vitamin D 4000iu, vitamin E 400iu, baby aspirin, Metanx, levothyroxine 75mcgs 
     Surprise BFP 9/21!!! Beta #1 247, Beta #2 630. Miscarried 10/13

  • It is ver overwhelming; I felt the same way. I took everything out and organized it with what I would need first. (dont worry about learning the others until you need them, its info overload.) Check your invoice to make sure you got everything first. Then, only worry about what you need leading up to ER. That is what I did. Then I watched videos from village pharmacy's website, (the best videos I found online) and my meds were from there. Go on their site, find medicine videos or something like that, click on your medicine, and watch the video. After like two days you will be a pro. Also, each night after my shot, I would take everything out for the am shot. I helped me feel organized and it's so early anyways, I was half asleep. Good luck!
  • @ChristieH917‌ Yes girl it is crazy to see all those meds!! Refresh my memory what are you using this cycle? Also I took little snack bags put one syringe, one alcohol wipe, needle, and q cap. I made like 20 bags. It was easy for me at night just to grab the needed meds and a bag of my supplies. The first shot is the hardest. By the third day you feel like a pro mixing meds and shooting up. Lol.

    Long of the Short:
     TTC since April 2013  DH 42 y/o I'm 30  Dh had vasectomy reversal Feb 2013 after 3 months developed scar tissue 
     First Re appt was September 2013 OOP for everything minus meds  
    DH's TESE surgery December 2013
    First cycle was February 2014 BFN none to freeze
     Second cycle was April 2014 BFP ending in Chemical Pregnancy none to freeze
     Third cycle June 2014 BFN none to freez
     Fourth cycle October 30th 28 retrieved, 13 mature and 12 fertilized
    PICSI, assisted hatching and fresh sperm from my DH's TESE surgery used
    5 FROZEN from a freeze all cycle! 
    FET completed on DECEMBER 9TH!!!
    Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800
    Beta #2 15dp5dt 2100
    Beta #3 17dp5dt 3600 
    First Scan January 5th! Everything looks great! Heart rate of 121!
    Second Scan January 20th. Baby Justone13 looks amazing. Heart rate of 175!
    Baby Girl is due August 27th
    Liv Annmarie born 8/25 7lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long 

  • @Justone13 I have Follistism, Ganirelix, Prometrium, Medrol, Doxycycline, Crinone and Pregnyl. The Doxycycline is an antibiotic and my hubby gets a round of those too.  We start those on Saturday.  I know that I start the Follistism first on CD3, then add the Ganirelix when instructed. 

    @junebug629 I got my meds from village pharmacy and it came with a packet of instructions and the website. 
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • @ChristieH917‌ hmmm only one I've taken was the ganirelix. Trust me it will become so easy after the first few days. I hate the ganirelix its the only one that bothers me. The needle seems dull to me and the injection site itches like crazy for about 20 minutes after. I am the biggest baby when it comes to pain so if I can handle it I'm sure you will be A-ok!!! Good luck sweets!

    Long of the Short:
     TTC since April 2013  DH 42 y/o I'm 30  Dh had vasectomy reversal Feb 2013 after 3 months developed scar tissue 
     First Re appt was September 2013 OOP for everything minus meds  
    DH's TESE surgery December 2013
    First cycle was February 2014 BFN none to freeze
     Second cycle was April 2014 BFP ending in Chemical Pregnancy none to freeze
     Third cycle June 2014 BFN none to freez
     Fourth cycle October 30th 28 retrieved, 13 mature and 12 fertilized
    PICSI, assisted hatching and fresh sperm from my DH's TESE surgery used
    5 FROZEN from a freeze all cycle! 
    FET completed on DECEMBER 9TH!!!
    Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800
    Beta #2 15dp5dt 2100
    Beta #3 17dp5dt 3600 
    First Scan January 5th! Everything looks great! Heart rate of 121!
    Second Scan January 20th. Baby Justone13 looks amazing. Heart rate of 175!
    Baby Girl is due August 27th
    Liv Annmarie born 8/25 7lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long 

  • isanoisano member
    Put your meds and corresponding syringes in color coded bags or boxes with big labels. This way you can color code your calendar.

    Make it a little less serious and stressful by drawing a happy sun and a moon on meds that are used am/pm.

    For me, I took lupron in the morning which I was so nervous about on the first day, but then it didn't hurt. Belly hurt less than outer thigh for me.

    Once I started the stims, the lupron routine was already perfected.... so the night time meds were super easy. Instead of Gonal F, I had something called Follistim which came in a handy pen for injection.

    The other PM med for me was called Menopur. It burned like nobody's business on the first night but I did an earlier post on how I reduced the stinging (ice for 10-15 min before and recline and relax during the injection which worked best for me at a 90 degree angle at the injection site.
  • Just on my normal cycles (not IVF) I used Gonal, Ganirelix, novarel (generic for Pregnyl) and Endometrin (same kind of meds at Crinone)

    I'm guessing the medrol is just a pill you will take. I also take a ton of vitamins and other meds and I've found a big pill separator works wonders for am and pm meds. I fill it up ahead of time and I can keep track of what I've taken. For my injections I keep a printed out calendar of my dosages with my needles and alcohol wipes since my meds are in the fridge. I bought a cute zipper bag just for this reason ( why not have it look cute since it's been part of my household decor since January). It's very intimidating at first but in a few days it will be second nature. I've found writing it all down every day has helped.

    I'm starting my IVF cycle tomorrow and I've already organized my bag for tomorrow with all my meds until my monitoring on Monday. I'm taking Menopur along with Gonal, ganarelix, zpac, pregnal. I keep a box put away full of all my extra meds and when my dr changes my dosage, which he always did every monitoring appt I will make notes on my calendar and readjust my bag to what I need until the next monitoring appt ... And so on. The pregnal, prometrium, and Crinone you can put away for now. Just take out what you need. I'm sure your nurse will be good at telling you what you need to do. I also have a spiral notebook that I wrote down all instructions I was given. It's hard to lose the pages from a spiral notebook, I also like to go back and look at my dosages and my responses.

    Yes I'm a nerd and I need to be medicated for my organization issues but I get anxiety looking at the box full of meds. So I have to do it this way.

    Good Luck!
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • pblgepblge member
    My clinic sent me this website with tutorial videos about how to do all the different injections. It's really helpful!
    **********************siggy/ticker warning**********************

    ***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. :'(  Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen.  => M/C @ 8 wks. :'( Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! :) Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
  • Sha259Sha259 member
    Ahh, welcome to the club! I remember having almost word for word the same thoughts when I got my delivery. I opened the box (I was home alone), and literally said out loud, "Sh!t just got real!!!" And I never curse. :\"> I even took a picture of it all.

    I had been taking FSH and Ovidrel subq during my IUIs, so the needles and injections didn't bother me as much. I'm a pharmaceutical drug developer too, so in all honesty I have been having a bit of fun giving myself injections (is that weird?) I'm like, so THIS is what being a patient feels like!

    It was just seeing all those meds! I also recommend making dosing kits for the days that you know your dose. It made it so easy to just grab a kit after my evening shower and shoot up!!

    Good luck!
  • ChristieH917ChristieH917 member
    edited May 2014
    Sha259 said:
    Ahh, welcome to the club! I remember having almost word for word the same thoughts when I got my delivery. I opened the box (I was home alone), and literally said out loud, "Sh!t just got real!!!" And I never curse. :\"> I even took a picture of it all.
    @Sha259  I took a picture also!!  I had to send it to my best girlfriend.  She was amazed how much there was. 
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • I remember looking at my box of meds when it arrived and saying whaaat? Then I opened it and saw them all and said holy sh*t!! Like PPs suggested, watch the videos online. They were extremely helpful and eased my mind that I was doing it right. Good luck finding a spot to store it all! :-*

    MC Sept '10, MC Dec '10, DS born 2012

    Clomid + TI = BFP #1 March '13, MC April '13

    Gonal F + trigger + IUI #1 = BFP #2 10/21/13, MC 10/31/13

    Gonal F + trigger + IUI #2 = BFP #3 1/16/14, ectopic w/ heartbeat & rt salpingectomy 1/29/14

    IVF #1 - ER 5/9/14 transfer cx'd due to high P4

    FET #1 -  6/26/14 transferred 1 AA blast BFP!! Beta #1 13dp5dt - 1548 Beta #2 15dp5dt - 2748 Beta #3 18dp5dt - 7586





    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I will have to pack the in kits as suggested.  We are in the process of buying a house so I am hoping that we don't end up moving during this cycle.  I wouldn't want all of that to get lost in the move or not being able to find them when I need them  LOL
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • Yesterday, when I had to leave super early for my monitoring appointment, I actually mixed the Cetrotide in my car in the parking lot before going into Starbucks to grab a coffee before work so it would have time to "set" and not sting so much when I injected myself in the ladies room when I got to work (so I was doing it in the same window). I could never imagine doing any of that when I started out, so while it is overwhelming in the beginning, it really is very manageable and I agree with the PPs that organizing and preping the night before is very helpful.

    ***************************Loss Mentioned***************************

    Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.


    IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN

    IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN

    IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d

    IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFN
    IVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
    IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
    IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist 


    Everyone welcome!

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