Hi. I keep reading that early intervention is so important but how early can you actually have your child evaluated? I have a three month old and everyone thinks I'm just being crazy and "googling too much" but based on what I keep reading, I have some concerns. He's pretty smiley and will engage if he feels like it (usually lying down or in a seat) but basically will not make eye contact or engage with anyone while being held (won't look at the person holding him or anyone else) I brought it up to my pedi and he said he's fine and chalked it up to overstimulation. Anyway, I'm already prepared to go around my pedi but how soon can I call?
ALSO - and maybe this should be a separate thread but I am completely debilitated by my concerns. I just can't enjoy my adorable baby and I don't know how to stop stressing. I never had PPD (I have an older daughter, too) but I wonder if this kind of neurotic worrying has happened to anyone else and if there's anything I can do about it?
Sorry this is so long! I am just so bummed.
Re: How early?
It may help for you to write it out so you can just read it rather then try to explain in the moment.
As for the PPA and obsessing, I can totally relate. Hence why I found your post while searching the internet :-) I'm trying to just be happy with his progress and not worry all the time. But it's really hard. I coukd literally spend all day every day worrying. But it really helps to see him improving. I also have an older daughter and never worried about her like this. I'm also trying not to constantly compare them as they are different babies.
I'm not sure if this post will help you or make you feel worse, but at least know that others have been in a similar situation! Hopefully you'll start seeing some improvements soon and you can relax a bit. But don't feel like it's too soon to call EI. You might feel better knowing that you'll get some answers one way or the other. Let me know if I can share any other info with you. Good luck!
Yes I'd prefer if there were something I can do about it, if anything could or needs to be done such as EI or anything. I'm new to this so I have no idea what one does or doesn't "do" except that everything I read says to "do" something as early as possible I just wasn't sure how early, which is why I posted this. I am concerned about ASD because a few times I've seen people post that they could notice their infants lack of eye contact from birth, even in the FAQ early signs post here on this board.
We actually did take him to the pedi and are seeing an opthamologist today. Of course at the pedi my son smiled and tracked and had eye contact the whole time so I really looked crazy. But we will see. I'll keep updating this thread in case any other worried moms come across this.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010