
16 weeks 5 days and barely showing

I am 16 weeks 5 days and my starting weight was about 114. I normally weigh around 110/111 but I gained from all the suppositories I was on before my transfer. Anyways, (TMI) I had a bad case of diarrhea for the last day and before that, I lost my appetite. I weighed myself today and I was 118 :( Is this okay? My last apt I was only 119 and my dr wasn't concerned but I also think he forgot that I was having twins because he said no, a half a pound a week is right on track. I'll be happy if you have a 6 1/2 - 7lb baby.. i said, ugh two that size or are you saying 3 1/2 pounds per baby and then he started to back track. I am nervous. I crave healthy foods and eat a lot, just not lately. I don't have an ultrasound for another 2 1/2 weeks. Should I ask for one sooner to make sure the babies are okay and growing? My uterus is always measuring ahead like it should and I have a small frame but I keep getting comments from people and it's scaring me. 

******Siggy Warning**************

Me 29 - no known issues ( Highest FSH 10.1??) 
DH- 36 - quite the perfect man!
TTC since 1/2011
IUI #1 March 2012 
B/O at 6 weeks D&C @ 10 weeks 
IUI #2-7 (2012)= BFN
IVF  Jan 14 - Follistim, Ganirelix
22R, 8M, 8F
ET  (1-14-14) - 1 Grade A 8 cell = BFN
FET (2-18-14)  1 grade A 12 cell and one early morula!
BETA #1 (3-3-14) =1,389  p4 17.4
BETA #2  (3-5-14) = 4,553 u/s showed one small g sac
U/S #2      (3-17-14) Shows two little beans with heartbeats!!! TWINS!! 
                                   Heartbeats were 119 & 120 beans measured (6 weeks 1 day) (6 weeks 2 days)
found out at 20 weeks that baby B went to heaven
11/12/14 Baby girl arrived :)
FET (1-24-16) Grade A early morula 
BETA #1 300 p4. 11.1 
BETA#2 1300
u/s d 1 tiny babe :)
10/7/16 another sweet baby girl
Beta #1 6 weeks 16,202 p4. 13.2

Re: 16 weeks 5 days and barely showing

  • Honestly I wouldn't worry too much about it. It took me a long time to even start showing. I'm 20 weeks now and have only gained about 15 pounds, which the doctor said was totally normal. Don't let other people's opinions scare you, every woman has a different pregnancy and as long as your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be either. I get comments from people all the time about what "should" be normal. Trust me, no pregnancy is normal, especially one with multiples!
  • carrotcake06carrotcake06 member
    edited May 2014
    I gained 5lbs until 16ish weeks and wasn't really showing.

    I then gained something ridiculous like 2lbs a week from then on out, gaining 60lbs total in 34w. I had 5 and 5.5 lb babies and was a gigantic house by the end.

    Don't worry. You've got a lot of pregnancy ahead of you.

    ETA: I didn't change my eating habits at all. I just ate healthy foods when I was hungry and let my body do its thing.

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  • RynleighRynleigh member
    edited May 2014
    I lost weight during my twin pregnancy - my gross gain during the entire pregnancy was 11lbs (i.e. on the last day of my pregnancy before delivery I only weight 11 pounds more than I did when I became pregnant) - my net loss after delivery was 30lbs (i.e. the day after I delivered, I weighed 30lbs less than I did when I became pregnant). I am a heavier person than you, and I had to go onto carbohydrate restriction for GD - I wouldn't expect you to lose weight during your pregnancy, just know that you don't always have to gain a whole lot of weight early on in the pregnancy. I hardly looked pregnant at 22 weeks. I never reached a point where I looked like I was having twins, just looked "normal" pregnant. As long as your growth scans look good and you are eating well, you are fine. 
    image  image

    image image

    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

  • RannndiRannndi member
    Same here----I had only gained a couple of pounds at 16 weeks, and now I've been gaining 2 a week. Believe me, it gets scarier when it starts packing on like that.  I'm 28 weeks now, and I've gained about 43 lbs.  Right now my girls are in the 50th percentile and the 68th percentile.  So they're perfectly happy with their weights, and I'm measuring at 37 weeks.  

    All of that happened from 16 to 28 weeks!  You'll be just fine.

    BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13


    Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at

  • I didn't gain any weight until I was about 16-17 weeks and my babies grew just fine! My drs told me to eat more and pack on the protein! The babies are still small in there but you should start gaining more and more the farther along you get. I only gained 40 lbs when I had my twins at 38 weeks. Both were over 6 lbs at birth! GL!

    BabyFetus TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • The other ladies will be able to give you better answers about weight gain because I'm only 13 weeks, but I wanted to comment on your doctor's apparent forgetfulness. That would be really concerning to me. 


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I wouldn't worry yet.  As of now I am 14 wks with quadruplets and I've lost about 5lbs.  All 4 are on track so obviously my non-existent weight gain isn't affecting them.

    Age: 29 | DH Age: 31
    Diagnosed with PCOS
    TTC Since 2009
    July 2011- IUI #1 BPN (Clomid, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Aug 2011- IUI Cancelled (Clomid, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Sept 2011- IUI Cancelled (Clomid, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Oct 2011- IUI Cancelled (Clomid, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Nov 2011- IUI #2 BPN (Femara, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Took a break and then found a new RE
    Oct 2012- IUI #3 BPN (Follistim, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    Nov 2012- IUI #4 (Follistim, Ovidrel, Crinone)
    BFP on November 29th
    Pregnancy was ectopic and terminated on December 8th
  • I had a complex over being "small" my entire pregnancy...not because my OB/health/measurements/etc. but more so from all the "You are so small for twins" comments I got the entire pregnancy.  I was induced and my girls were born vaginally at 36 weeks and both came out healthy (4 lbs. 9 oz & 4 lbs 11 oz), went home with me at discharge, and continue to be healthy/rapidly growing babies.  When I asked my (very awesome) OB if I should be concerned about my size at my 20-some eek appointment, he asked - "Are you paying any of these people for their health advice?"  I said, "No."  His comment, "Don't pay any attention to it then."  :)  Hope this helps.  I wish I could say I craved healthy foods like you...I did not.  I did gain a total of 36 pounds during the pregnancy.  I had uncomfortable moments, but was doing yoga and walking daily up to the day I delivered.  Keep up the good work at growing those babies!


  • I have no advice to offer as I'm only 14 weeks (tomorrow), but I'm glad you asked this question. I gained weight initially, 10 lb, but lost some of it and now I'm just at about +8lb. Still, I don't look much bigger. I'm small, 5'5 and 110ish pre-pregnancy, and I just thought I'd be showing already. 

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

    image image
    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
    image image
    image image image image 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I'm only 13 wks with my twins but I'm guessing this is a first pregnancy? I think it takes longer to show because your abs muscles are strong the first time around. I honestly didn't show with my ds till about 24 wks.

    I look as big now at 13 wks as I did with my ds at 24 wks. I really think that's because it's a second pg for me. My abs just aren't as strong this time around. I also haven't gained a pound but I am a little behind you. I know in 2nd and 3rd tri I'll make up for the weight gain. Last time I gained 60lbs but yet lost weight in 1st tri.
    Diagnosed MFI- low sperm count  
    DS-Born 7/27/11 After 2 years of IF we have our little man
    TTC#2 January 2013
    11 Medicated cycles gave us
    B/G Twins born 10/8/14 @ 32 weeks
  • Thank you all so much for your reassurance. It's so frustrating to hear "your babies are going to be so small" uhhh, no shit! I'm growing two where it's meant to grow one!  I feel better now that i'm able to eat more again. 
    @BeesKnees181 I absolutely love your dr's quote.. how perfect! Thank you so much for your reassurance!

    ******Siggy Warning**************

    Me 29 - no known issues ( Highest FSH 10.1??) 
    DH- 36 - quite the perfect man!
    TTC since 1/2011
    IUI #1 March 2012 
    BETA #1  BFP
    B/O at 6 weeks D&C @ 10 weeks 
    IUI #2-7 (2012)= BFN
    IVF  Jan 14 - Follistim, Ganirelix
    22R, 8M, 8F
    ET  (1-14-14) - 1 Grade A 8 cell = BFN
    FET (2-18-14)  1 grade A 12 cell and one early morula!
    BETA #1 (3-3-14) =1,389  p4 17.4
    BETA #2  (3-5-14) = 4,553 u/s showed one small g sac
    U/S #2      (3-17-14) Shows two little beans with heartbeats!!! TWINS!! 
                                       Heartbeats were 119 & 120 beans measured (6 weeks 1 day) (6 weeks 2 days)
    found out at 20 weeks that baby B went to heaven
    11/12/14 Baby girl arrived :)
    FET (1-24-16) Grade A early morula 
    BETA #1 300 p4. 11.1 
    BETA#2 1300
    u/s d 1 tiny babe :)
    10/7/16 another sweet baby girl
    4/18 SURPRISE + HPT 
    Beta #1 6 weeks 16,202 p4. 13.2

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