March 2012 Moms

Sick=how often?

The 1st 1.5 yrs my D was sick every 5 wks--she's been getting sick a fair amount over the last 6 months again- cough, fever... 

How often does your little one get sick? I asked the dr if I should be worried about anything underlying, he said I shouldnt but he did admit she gets sick a bit more than normal. With that, of course I worry a little. We do have her at daycare at our gym that I go to often, so Im thinking it could be exposure to that.
Kingsley Kennedy Wolff born March 16, 2012!!!

Re: Sick=how often?

  • It felt like DD was sick every other week is winter. We do tons of stuff with other kids through my moms' group so it didn't really concern me.
  • DS probably gets a cold of sorts about once every 6ish weeks - mostly I notice it happening if something goes through our daycare house or if someone new starts there.  

    The first year of his life, we were lucky and he was rarely sick.  Since then, it's been tougher.. sinus infections, colds, Roseola (twice!), some variety of a foodborne illness that both he and DH got (good times..).

    If she's at a daycare somewhat infrequently and there are different kids there each time, that could be it.  I asked our pedi why it was that DS seemed to always get a cold when there was a new kid at daycare and she said something along the lines of new kids bring new germs to be exposed to.
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  • DS rarely gets sick, but he's not in daycare and other than the park his interactions with other kids are limited to family get together and play dates. When we were going to the gym daycare he did get sick several times, as well as when he was enrolled in a toddler music class. Kids are just germ magnets and I try not to stress about it too much. There's only so much you can control.
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  • DS gets sick once a month or so. He's in daycare so when one gets it, they all do. If your LO is going to a daycare where she's exposed to different kids all the time that is probably exposing her to lots of different germs. It is no fun, that's for sure!
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