
Hypothetical Question About Drinking

If you were going to run 13 miles at 6 AM, would you drink the night before? The obvious answer is probably no but keep in mind in this hypothetical situation that it will be one of the few times a year that you will be kid-free in a hotel with your SO. Is the answer still no? Please validate my hypothetical life choice.

Re: Hypothetical Question About Drinking

  • I love fun but definately not.

    I drank before a half once and ended up in an ambulance. /anecdote



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  • MaebbMaebb member
    I would have a few drinks.
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  • Tough. Normally I never say no to drinking, but running hungover sounds horrible. Maybe just a glass or 2 of wine early with lots of water.


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  • One, maybe two. Drink plenty of water and go to bed early.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • MaebbMaebb member
    Holls2011 said:

    Just don't over do it.  Drinking will help you relax, hypothetically speaking.

    I once had this theory, so I drank two shots of vodka before a run because I thought it might help me loosen up and relax. Nope, that run sucked.

    Are you trying to PR or just running for fun? Either way, I would say to take it easy, and I personally would not get drunk because I'd feel like crap at 6am.
  • Maebb said:
    Just don't over do it.  Drinking will help you relax, hypothetically speaking.
    I once had this theory, so I drank two shots of vodka before a run because I thought it might help me loosen up and relax. Nope, that run sucked. Are you trying to PR or just running for fun? Either way, I would say to take it easy, and I personally would not get drunk because I'd feel like crap at 6am.
    No PR. It will be my first half, so I think I'm going be nervous and I'm a night runner, so my time will probably suck anyway.
  • I say no and visit the garage instead.
  • Well I drank like 4 beers the night before my 20-miler recently. But if it were my first race of that distance, I would've stuck to just one. (I also drank lots of water.)
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  • @Mos3, how was your first half?
  • <------ NOT A RUNNER  however this does not sound like a good plan to me.  I would however plan to drink after.  Have someone meet you at the finish line with a drink in hand. 

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