March 2012 Moms

Pregnancy Check-In!

It seems quite a few of us are pregnant again! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. 

How many weeks are you? Symptoms? Cravings? Differences/similarities between your March baby and current pregnancy? Are you having a boy/girl/team green? Names picked out? 

Hope everyone is doing well :)
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DS born 3.12 
DD born 7.14

Re: Pregnancy Check-In!

  • I'm 32 weeks, having a baby girl (Nora) and am so excited to complete our family and see DS become a big brother. I am much more tired this pregnancy, mostly due to taking care of my wild toddler ;) I'm also really excited for DH to have a daughter. He is so sweet with DS, but I think our girl will have him wrapped around her finger in no time!
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • Love this idea!

    I'm 38 weeks on Friday! As of my last appt, no progress so I'm expecting to go late again.

    Symptoms - All of them. Being preg in 80+ degrees is no fun. I maintain the March is the best month to have a baby.

    Cravings - None really. I'm just eating ice cream with no guilt

    We are Team Green this time. I have a feeling it is a boy, tho. This pregnancy has been so different.

    Boy- Jack William Girl - Between Jane Margaret and Elizabeth Jane. Hopefully she'll "look" like one of those names!
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  • @LilNunz1‌ I agree, March is the best time to have a baby! I am so sweaty already, and it will be 100+ degrees here in no time. I plan on eating a lot of ice cream with DS and hanging out in his kiddie pool for the remainder of this pregnancy. Also, love your name choices!
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • kaleb87kaleb87 member
    How many weeks? I am 24 weeks

    Symptoms? Exhaustion, and starting to swell just a little in my ankles. (I think it's because this crazy heat.)

    Cravings? I actually haven't had one specific craving. If something sounds good I make sure to incorporate it into a meal.

    Differences/similarities? I feel like it is all differences with this pregnancy. With dd I felt like the 9 months drug on, this time it is flying. Also, I couldn't believe how much sooner I felt movement this time, and this baby is so active compared to dd.

    Boy/Girl/Team green? We are team green again. It was so fun with dd finding out in the delivery room we wanted to do it that way again.

    Names? We have thrown a few around but nothing serious. If this planting season ever ends so that DH & I could have a serious, uninterrupted conversation we might just decide! ;)
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  • nah82nah82 member
    I haven't been here in awhile but just found out last week we have #3 on the way!!

    How many weeks are you? "Probably" 6?  The OB I saw with the other two is moving away this month, so I decided to switch to a new office to start with.  They don't want to see me until July 2nd, so I will have a better idea then.

    Symptoms? Cravings?  Stomach is a little sensitive in the mornings especially since I take my thyroid pill in the morning and have to wait an hour after that to eat.  But pretty much always hungry.  Wanted Long John Silver's chicken so bad the other day but we don't have one in town and the closest one is 45 mins away.

    Differences/similarities between your March baby and current pregnancy?  The biggest difference this time I only have half a thyroid and will need to have blood draws to check my levels every 4 weeks.  My general symptoms were the same with #1 and #2, so I guess I'm not expecting anything different (except for ALREADY feeling like I need the maternity clothes!)

    Are you having a boy/girl/team green? Names picked out?  Obviously no clue yet, but we will definitely find out before I lug all the baby boy clothes back from my sister's house.  I was thinking yesterday that if it is another boy, I kind of like the idea of Leo.  Afraid my family would make fun of me because I have always been a DiCaprio fan, but it is a cute name!  I'm not a big fan of really feminine girl names, so that could be tough.
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  • @namcgee‌ Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy with #3! I hope everything goes good with your thyroid also.
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  • Leo was our boy name for number 2, love it. Also love me some DiCaprio :) congrats to everyone!
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • Congratulations @namcgee!!!
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  • nah82nah82 member
    Thanks!  Bet our families will be shocked.  We thought we were "done" and I gave away all my maternity clothes and baby stuff.  Never did get around to doing anything permanent though..oops!
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