So, my DH and I are planning to start TTC our first in July. I've been temping and trying to get familiar with my cycle over the last few months so I can give us the best chance of hitting the right window before and around ovulation. We're both excited about starting a family, but we've agreed that we would prefer not to stress over it too much for now, so if it takes a little while, NBD.
However... we don't have the most active sex life in general. There have been a few health and other stress issues over the last several years that have really curbed his libido, and TBH, it's not unusual for us to go three or four months without getting it on. So I'm wondering how to go about legit trying to make a baby without putting a bunch of pressure on either of us to perform on schedule and making what little sex we do have into a chore.
Any advice? :-/ How do you keep TTC from being a source of unnecessary stress?
No longer posting on The Bump due to the appalling misconduct of the staff and of its parent company, the XO Group. Four thousand active, engaged members do not represent "a few bad apples" and we are not trolls.
Re: Lets talk about sex
Me: "Hi. You're cute. Take off your pants."
Him: "I'm sleepy/other excuse."
Me: "That's nice. Take off your pants."
Him: Grumble grumble.
Me: "That's nice. Take off your pants." Thrusts boobs into his face, or starts heavy petting him.
Him: Grumble grumble.
Me: Unzips his pants.
Him: Grumble grumble.
After the fact:
Him: "That was nice. We should do that more often."