I tried everything and found that bug repellant removes dried ink from the dryer quite easily. Spray on and wipe. You'll have to clean the repellant off afterward. For the clothes I had a small bottle of some special solution, but it's gone and I don't remember what it was. GL!
maybe try rubbing alcohol or nailpolish remover for the clothes? depends on the type of fabric though. UGH, so sorry...been there, dealt with that and it sucks
I did a quick search and I think I found the product. It's Amodex ink remover. It smells horrible and you'll have to wash the shirts several times after the stain comes out to get rid of the odor, but it works.
I feel really bad for you. I may have cried upon discovering the pen in my dryer.
Lurker here...hairspray for the clothes. Idk about the dryer. I had a pen end up in the dryer with my daughters clothes when she was 2 months old. Postpartum hormones and a load full of ruined clothes had me calling my mom in tears because I ruined everything. She brought over two bottles of hairspray and we sprayed all the ink stains, rewashed the clothes while the hairspray was still wet (super important detail!), and everything came out fine. Good luck!
What kind of bug repellent @KlondikeBar? I've never heard of using that to clean ink out of a dryer but sounds like it works really well!
Any of the chemical brands work. They'll peel the paint off a pencil too. Imagine what it does to your skin!
It was definitely a chemical one, not one of the natural sprays. I have those too, but I know I grabbed DD's camp bottle b/c it had her name written on it.
I just used a nail polish remover wipe in the dryer and not much happened. Then I about had a panic attack thinking that it would somehow ignite and start a fire. I washed it out with water and I don't smell it, but my stomach is in knots now.
Do I really need to clean it out of the dryer? Once it is dried on there, it shouldn't stain anything else, right?
I put an old wet towel in there to see if anything would happen, but I was too nervous to turn the heat on. I'm probably just wasting time with this...
Re: Pen in the dryer?
I feel really bad for you. I may have cried upon discovering the pen in my dryer.
Do I really need to clean it out of the dryer? Once it is dried on there, it shouldn't stain anything else, right?
I put an old wet towel in there to see if anything would happen, but I was too nervous to turn the heat on. I'm probably just wasting time with this...