Cloth Diapering

FSTS/flats vs workhorses

I don't have many workhorses, just a couple yellow and red edged. But if I just pre-fold a flat/fst, it's just as easy to put on, right? I'm still on the fence if I want to keep the few fitteds I have for #2. We mostly just use prefolds as it is.

Re: FSTS/flats vs workhorses

  • Depends on your diapering skills and how squirmy/kicky your child is. I haven't tried to put a pre-folded flat on DS in a while, since he squirms a lot and kicks at the diaper. It then becomes unfolded and I give up and reach for a pocket, AIO or fitted. I pretty much exclusively use my flats to stuff pockets now.
    I like my WHs for the squrimy diaper changes. Although a pad folded flat in a cover is a bit faster than securing a WH and then putting on a cover.
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