December 2013 Moms

Could this be a late sleep regression?

My LO is just over 5months old and the passed week he has been waking up at 4:30am and sometimes 330. He is wide awake, talking in his crib. I've tried feeding him, rocking him and just giving the pacifier nothing works. He is awake for over an hour then falls asleep for another hour. He is also fighting his naps. Is this the dreaded sleep regression everyone warned me about? Any tips? I'm exhausted!!!

Re: Could this be a late sleep regression?

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    cboinkcboink member
    I have no advice but my LO just started waking at 5-5:30 every morning and is back to waking every two hours to nurse. I am over it. I keep hoping its teeth and they will appear soon.
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    My LO wakes up somewhere between 4:30 & 5:30 almost every night, talks, plays, & falls back asleep w/in 30-60 minutes. I had read it's actually normal for babies to do that, so I don't go in or do anything. If she fusses, which she normally does when she's ready to go back to sleep, I go in & give her the paci, & I have to roll her back over now that she's rolling, but that's it.
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    I'm wondering the same thing. LO is waking up every 2 hours at night and fighting naps hard core. Yesterday he only took two 20 minute naps.


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    I posted a similar question about this last week because my LO is waking up around 5:00 or 5:30am and happily babbling away for a half hour before falling back asleep. I heard that can happen around this age and you just go with it. My DD woke up and babbled happily to herself this morning from 5:15-6:00am before falling back asleep. Putting a paci in her mouth doesn't help because she only uses a paci to soothe and she didn't need to be soothed. She sleeps in the room with us so DH and I got to watch the sunrise this morning :)

    TTC since April 2011. DH Dx MFI in February 2012. BFP #1: 7.16.12. MMC dx: 8.22.12, D&C 8.28.12, TTC Again November 2012. DH Varicocele repair November 2012; Repeat SA showed "dramatic" improvement February 2013 (awesome!)
    BFP #2: 3.26.13, EDC: 12.7.13. Anya born December 9th, 2013!
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    Between this and his feeding issues it has been the hardest 5months of my life! I never knew how hard it would be to be a mom. I've been a nanny and preschool teacher and nothing prepared me for this! Feeling defeated and exhausted!
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    cboinkcboink member
    But it is the most rewarding. :)
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