Hi everyone. My husband and I have been ttc for about 2 years now. Our dr thinks we are having issues because I had my daughter at such a young age. I was 17 but I also was a late bloomer. He also had a reversal so I'm sure that plays a part. I did my 6th iui last sunday and am in the dreaded 2ww. I am trying not to symptom spot or even think about it this time. I got my hopes up last time. After 5 I just am so negative about it working this time. Only 1 more week to wait.
Re: intro (older child mentioned)
Hi! I had a child when I was 17 and am now facing secondary infertility too. I have a specific diagnosis though (hyperprolactinemia). Good luck this cycle and welcome.
TTC #1 January 2009
January 2010 SA results: Count 16 million, Motility 40%, Morphology 2%
January 2010- Surprise BFP! DS born 10/1/2010
January 2013 TTC #2
September 2013 Repeat SA: Count= 1.7 million, Motility= 24%, Morphology= 2%
November 6th 1st Appointment with RE: diagnosed with severe MFI
Testing to try to determine a cause & possible treatment for MFI
CD 3 blood work for me. RE does not want to repeat my HSG/lap at this point,
but may want to before moving forward with any fertility treatments.
After seeing the uro, DH is currently taking lots of supplements and clomid to try to boost his count. We will have a repeat SA in February to see if it works.
Follow up SA numbers are: Count= 4 million, Motility= 40%, Morphology= 1%
Uro wants us to have another follow up SA 5/9 to see if we see further improvement than we are back to the RE to make a game plan.
SA 5/9/2014 Count: 12 Million, Motility: 60%, and Morphology 2%. We will be doing iui #1 in late June
IUI #1 6/28 clomid + ovidrel, post wash count 3 million total sperm= BFN
IUI # 2 7/21 clomid+ ovidrel. post wash count 900,000 total sperm= BFN
IVF planned for early November- cancelled due to cyst
December IVF #1- 22 eggs, 20 mature,16 fertilized
12/9 Transferred 1 4AA Blast, 6 frosties
*****Everyone is welcome******