WDYT of Kirk? I know the huuuge Star Trek connection will phase some, but I think it's a solid name. I can picture a cute little Kirk, and a respectable adult named Kirk too. Thoughts, opinions, concerns, etc?
I agree that it's a fine, respectable name. It's not very current-sounding, but I can see it working for a family with a soft spot for mid-century modern.
I do think "Church of Scotland" whenever I see it, but that's not a bad association (depending on your politics/theology, I guess).
I like Kirk. I think it's a strong choice and I also like that it's under used these day. And I don't automatically associate it with Star Trek or Kirk Cameron. I say go for it
So glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Gilmore Girls! But I say if you like the name, don't worry about the associations in other peoples minds!
I like Kirk though I like Kurt more...I know a Kirk that comes from a super respectable family in my community. I remember when he was a little kid, a handsome teenager (that all the girls crushed on), a confused young adult (he broke into the school as some sort of drunken prank, his daddy got him out of jail time though), and now as a respectable adult. It totally worked for him his whole life, I think it's a nice strong name.
TTC #1: February 1, 2014 BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 (my birthday!) MMC:discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
Re: Kirk
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
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Edited for spelling.
It's a good strong name. I've worked with quite a few Kirks in my job (I work with a lot of older men) and have good associations.
Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!
TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 (my birthday!) MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
TTC #1 (Round 2): May 16, 2014
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