I hope you don't mind me posting here. My sister would love some advice on where to head next and some fresh perspective on her little one.
Her daughter is 4.5 years and she has had some concerns for a while about her attention, energy level and something being not quite right. She will be starting Kindergarten early next year (our school years run with the calendar year) and her preschool teachers have just mentioned that they don't think she is ready for school in a number of areas. The mentioned concerns with listening, following instructions and that she responds differently to rules (still waiting on clarification of what they meant by that).
She has always been an energetic child but this has settled a lot over the last 12 months. Her language has been assessed and she came out above average for receptive and expressive language. Conversationally this comes through but she struggles in group environments (e.g. swimming lessons, preschool) to remember instructions and stay on task. She has difficulty staying still and seems to have some sensory seeking around movement and touch. She will often chew things while watching tv or if given a fidget toy will play with this. She loves to talk and is very chatty. She really liked to please and when she doesn't follow instructions it really doesn't appear to be deliberate.
She makes friends well but can be a bit overexcitable / intense (e.g. having to stand right next to them, hold their hand, lots of saying goodbye dramatically like it's the last time she will ever see them). She shows good empathy towards others. Friends are typically girls around her age.
She has a great sense of humour and tells / makes up jokes that aren't too bad! She is very imaginative in play and can construct detailed stories. She maintains topics well in conversation and can properly introduce new topics.
I guess we are not sure where to head next with this. My sister is looking into OT for a sensory assessment but isn't sure if psychologist/paediatrician/someone else is also needed. Her big concern is that when starting school she will be labelled as a naught child due to not following instructions/listening in the classroom and that she wont learn as well as she could if we could put supports in place. She just wants to understand what is happening and get her the support she needs.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Re: 4 Year Old - SPD? ADHD? Something else?
The developmental pedi used the word complicated, too I think the nuances will reveal themselves more as she gets older and we can do different types of evaluations.