December 2012 Moms

Newly pregnant care package

One of my BFFs is newly expecting, and I'm putting together a care package for her.  So far, I have my favorite Gap maternity tshirt and a cute neutral colored outfit.  What else was helpful?  She's a FTM if that matters.



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Re: Newly pregnant care package

  • Cocoa butter for those lovely baby marks :)

    Something for her feet, warm socks for the winter. 

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  • I don't know how much you plan to spend but I think baby bargains or a different book that she doesn't already have.

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  • jac409jac409 member
  • All those ideas are better than mine.  Colace, prego-pops, sea bands.
  • mini package of tylenol, Costco size bottle of TUMS (can't believe anyone hasn't mentiined that yet), panty liners for when she hits the weird discharge phases/ incontinence phase, travel toothbrush/tooth paste for use at work, list of useful sites like TheBump, KellyMom, Car Seats for the Littles,.... maybe GasX bottle as well (can people take those when pregnant? Didn't find out about it's wonders until afterwards). Pair of yoga/soft pants.
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  • Colace and Papaya Enzymes. Both were pregnancy "must haves" for me. I also like to give boxes of Mother-to-be tea

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