Welcome to the June Bugs Check-in! Check-ins will be every Tuesday & Friday. Your check-in leaders are pblge (Tuesday) and dreambig1021 (Friday).
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF/IVM or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for June. If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below (IVF/FET cycle #, where you are in the process, relevant dates, etc). Be sure to update us along the way!
Here is a link to the June Bugs badge: https://i60.tinypic.com/2e2jwo9.jpg
I'm sending to you beautiful ladies LOADS of baby dust, may your June Cycle be your lucky cycle!
QOTD: How much of your IVF process do you share with family? Friends? Co-Workers?
June Angels:
Airidh80 - FET #1 from IVF #2
BeckyP005 - DE FET #1
clguerra88 - FET #1 from IVF #1
Dreambig1021 - FET #1
gnl42 - FET #1 (Welcome!!)
geordie314 - FET #4 from IVF #1
Hopefulsprout - FET #2
Ikrystal - FET #1
Shelbeans82 - FET #1 from IVF #2
Spring78 - FET #1 (Maybe moved back to May?)
In the 2WW:
Cancelled / Delayed:
Intheplanningstage - ((hugs))
O2girl - ((hugs))
Between ER / ET:
Runawaylaurel - IVF #1
Sha259 - IVF #1
Ttc23 - IVF #4, Antagonist Protocol w/ NK cells
babycakestx - IVF #1
Carol77B - IVF #3, EP/Antagonist protocol w/ PICSI
ChristieH917 - IVF #1
ExoticAntibiotic - IVF #2 (freeze all)
gsancho - IVF #1 Take Two
HollowBerry - IVF #2
Hoping4LO - IVF #1
Justone14- IVF #3
Katib77 - IVF #2, Antagonist protocol w/ HGH and NK cell intralipids
Lillovebug79 - IVF # 1
MJ14323 - IVF #3
Pblge - IVF #2.1, Antagonist Protocol
Pjpahel - IVF #4, Microdose Lupron Protocol
PrivateOne - IVF #3 (retrieval only)
Scooteriste - IVF #3
Sweetpotato123 - IVF #1
Re: ***June Bugs Check-In 5/23***
31R, 28M, 21 fertilized!
Beta 7/10/14 14dp5dt = BFFN
4/27/16 - Mock transfer protocol- Vit C, Vit D, DHEA, Prenatal, Lovenox, Estradiol, PIO
FET #3 - 5/18/16 -
All our families know, most of our friends know, majority of Mr's coworkers know (we get together socially frequently), but none of my coworkers know. I think my coworkers assume it will happen someday, but they think I'm still young and very career driven, so no one is suspicious yet.
Thanks @dreambig1021 and @pblge for running the check-ins!
No one at work knows anything; they think I'm having "health problems," and god knows what sort of medical treatment they think I'm doing in NYC for two weeks. I have told a small number of friends, exclusively those who have had fertility issues themselves. My OH's parents know; mine don't. I've been really happy to keep things on the DL. I would consider "coming out," but it's really complicated with my work.
I'm going to have to explain it to the people I'm staying with in NYC, so we'll see how that goes.
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
QOTD: For my first cycle I told a few people including my parents who were all very supportive and also very disappointed when it didn't work out. We've been tighter lipped since, only sharing anything if it's relevant to making plans or an event we may have to miss.
2013: BFP #1 - M/C 3/13
2015: Dance break = got healthy
7/2016: IVF #5 = BFP!!!
Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545 -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
31R, 28M, 21 fertilized!
Beta 7/10/14 14dp5dt = BFFN
4/27/16 - Mock transfer protocol- Vit C, Vit D, DHEA, Prenatal, Lovenox, Estradiol, PIO
FET #3 - 5/18/16 -
IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
My Blog
QOTD: Most people around me know; family, friends, colleagues. We haven't necessarily told them all but people talk and we haven't lied or denied anything. Sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes it's not. At least we don't get asked in public anymore when we are having kids. My older sister and a few friends have been the best supports. My mother, father and younger sister don't talk to me about it- which is hurtful. Anyway, we've got each other
TTC since mid-2011---Husband and I both late 20's---
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye test in Sep 2012- moderate endometriosis removed---
Diagnosed with unexplained infertility---
Clomid cycle 1 in Feb 2013- BFN---
Clomid cycle 2 in Mar 2013- BFN---
IVF #1 in May 2013- BFN---
IVF #2 in August 2013-BFN---
Endometrial biopsy identified high natural killer cells---
FET #1 in Oct 2013-delayed---
FET #1 in Nov 2013 with Intralipids-BFN---
FET #2 in January 2014- BFN---
IVF #3 in March 2014 (new doctor new plan)-BFFN
IVF #4 in June 2014 (last cycle with own eggs)- BFN
IVF #5 in September 2014 (with donor eggs)- BFP plus 6 frozen blasts
May Emerald / August Shooting Star / October Precious Pumpkin / November Harvest Hopeful / January Snowdrops / March Shimmering Shamrocks / June Bugs
qOTW: we are pretty private about our IF. Our closest friends and my parents know details, but I learned last cycle that it's painful to get a text saying, "so?! What's the verdict?" from a well meaning friend, so I'm keeping this cycle more private.
TTC since 12/2012 Me: hypothyroid & egg issues
2nd treatment cycle: Clomid & TI BFN
IUI #2 (injects) IUI BFN
2/14 through 3/14 benched with a cyst
IVF#1 CD1 came before beta. BFN. No frosties.
Benched with cysts...
IVF#2 beta moved up due to heavy bleeding 6dp5dt...beta was 11. beta#2 20.4! Beta#3 28 Chemical pregnancy
Currently on BCPs with cysts, planning IVF#3 Everyone welcome!
***************************Loss Mentioned***************************
Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.
IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN
IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN
IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d
IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFNIVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist
QOTW: My parents and MH's family know. Close friends and my boss know. They all know I'm using DE but not sure if that will come out to everyone if this works. Maybe pp will assume since I will be 46? I wish I could be more open about it. Idk....don't really think the average person will think I did? Lol
I do know that I'm not telling them when my FET is. Too many questions and wanting to know if I tested.
Hope you all are having a good start to the weekend!!
ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive. Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)
DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!
QOTD: Many people know. DH's parents know and are generally supportive, my SIL is great and is probably been my best support through all this. My parents did know about IVF #1 and IVF # 2 but we will not be telling them about the FET as they (my mom in particular) was pretty horrible in April with what she said to me. My closest girlfriends know as well and have been great. One of my coworkers knows as well, we work very closely together and it just made sense. I am pretty open about it, and if others asked I would probably tell them.
Dx: Unexplained Infertility, probable endometriosis
Feb-April 2013: Femara + TI: BFN
May - September 2013: Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI#1-4 = BFN
IVF # 1 November 2013: transferred 1 perfect blast = BFN
IVF # 2 April 2014: Endo scrape, transferred 2 blasts = BFP!! (first ever!), CP
FET #1 June 2014: transferred 2 blasts = BFFN
New Dx: Repeat Implantation Failure
IVF # 3 November 2014 = BFP!! Beta #1 9dp5t 272 Beta # 2 11dp5dt 626
It's Twins!
*everyone welcome*
This is my second IVF attempt and we are using ICSI again.
Thanks for the check in & good luck to all of you!
dream 1 CAME TRUE 2.13.2010
<dream 2> 12.2011
2.10.12 : 4 weeks
6.17.12 : 10 weeks
10.10.12 : 4 weeks, 6 days
12.13.12 : 9 weeks, 1 day
4.6.13 : 4 weeks, 4 days
10.27.13 : 5 weeks, 6 days
4.2.14 (IVF #1) : 4 weeks, 1 day
6.19.14 : IVF #2 Negative
</dream 2>
***All always welcome!!***
Welcome and good luck, @Mozarella13 and @anitaflora!
@Katib77b - I had my FSH and LH tested again this month, and my FSH was also higher--5.1 versus ~3.3. The nurse said they were both good numbers, and it didn't mean anything to have them vary a bit or for one to be a bit higher. I know those are different than your numbers, but a year ago they were both 6.3/6.4 (don't remember which was which), and the nurse said not to worry. My AFC was also ~20, which is lower than usual, perhaps because of the metformin. Did you get a chance to ask your doctor about your LH/FSH? If so, let me know what s/he says.
Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! Weather has been amazing here, so we've done so much good work in the garden. Tired, but happy! Now I'm about to make OH watch The Blair Witch Project with me, as he's never seen it and I think that's a piece of cultural education he can't miss.
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
********Siggy/Ticker Warning***********
Me (35) no known issues DH (37) MFI. TTC 21 months (24 cycles)
Dx MFI with low to normal count, low motility, morphology 3%
HSG normal, ultrasound and labs on me all normal.
1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and TI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and IUI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
Started seeing an RE!!
2 more cycles of clomid 50mg (great response), with IUI and Pregnyl trigger (4.8-8 mil good ones after wash) = all BFN
1 cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7) followed by Follistim 75iu (7-11) + IUI = BFN
December 2013 DH saw urologist and is taking Anastrozole, CoQ10, and L-Carnitine
IUI #5 natural cycle (needed a med break) = BFN
IUI #6 Follistim 75iu (CD3-10) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI (final count after wash 300K) = BFN
IUI #7 Follistim 75iu (CD3-9) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI on 2/20 (post wash count 12.5 million)= BFN
IUI cancelled (DH OOT) Clomid 50mg (CD3-7) 1 follicle +(not well timed) TI = BFN
IUI #8 and last one!! Clomid 100mg (CD3-7) +OPK before US + IUI 4/17 (post wash 8.5 mil)= BFN
Pre-IVF testing complete! SHG great and measurements taken! Labs for infectious diseases completed, FSH (5.4), TSH (1.6), Prolactin (11), AMH (2.6), Estradiol (40).
Started BCP 5/29 and Lupron 6/11 prep for IVF #1! Started follistim 225u/day on 6/28. Monitoring on 7/2 >15 follicles measuring 11-14, E2 758. Monitoring on 7/5 all ready to go!! Great follicle sizes and lining is at 9. Tigger 7/5, ER 7/7 16R 9M 3F. Stimmed too fast in just 7 days. 7/10 3dt of 2 8-cell grade 2 & 4. 7/14 P4 >60.
Holy crap BFP!!!
Beta #1 (14dpo) 7/21 112 Beta #2 (16dpo) 7/23 286 a Beta #3 (18dpo) 7/25 761 Beta #4 (21dpo) 2631!!! Hold on tight little embies!! First Ultrasound 8/7- 1 perfect little bean with a beating heart 117bpm!! EDD 3/30.
Second ultrasound 9/2 Little bean measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 161!
PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!
March 15 Siggy Challenge: You had one job