November 2014 Moms

*** Friday/Saturday Ticker Change Check-In ***



Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW:

GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans?
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: *** Friday/Saturday Ticker Change Check-In ***

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    I'm commenting on the Fri/Sat ticker change cause I never saw a Thursday one, maybe I missed it but I went back and looked and never saw anything.


    EDD/weeks: 14 weeks!! 2nd Tri here I come!

    Symptoms: None really, have to pee more than normal which is annoying at night when trying to sleep.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: My energy levels are climbing back up, yay! Been able to get out hiking and exercising more again, feels great! Our next appointment isn't until June 23rd for our anatomy scan, can't wait!

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? None, my job made us take some extra time off this month cause we had a terrible fiscal year so far so no money to go play anywhere, just going to dig in the garden, hike and read books.

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    EDD: 11/28, 13 weeks, Peach

    Symptoms: nausea is much much better now

    Updates: had an appointment yesterday, got to hear baby's heartbeat :)

    Memorial Day Plans: going to the beach with DH and the kids, sooooo excited for our little family trip!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @dh2613-welcome! I'm creeping from the Tuesday check-in group. Anyways just wanted to let you know that if you're 14weeks, 5 days you will post on the Sunday/Monday ticker change thread. You post on the day you "roll over" to a new week (so the day your ticker hits 15 weeks will be your next posting day for these symptom check-ins) :-*
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    EDD/weeks: 16 weeks.  

    Symptoms: Queezy but ms has slowed down

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW : DD will be 2 in three weeks. I can't believe it. She's having a sesame street party and thanks to pinterest I'm making some really great decorations ;) 

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? I'm canadian. Since it's your holiday the border lineups are huge and now I can't go across to get my package of maternity clothes :( 

    Audrey is going to be a big sister!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    crizz13crizz13 member
    EDD/weeks: November 14th - 15 weeks today (naval orange)!

    Symptoms: Still none really, having some (what I think is) round ligament pain and I have to get up every night at least twice to pee.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: Had my 14 week appointment on Monday and got to actually meet with my doctor instead of a nurse practitioner. Heard the heartbeat which was awesome, and got to schedule our anatomy scan which will be 3 weeks from today! (but who's counting??? ;-)) Also, I toured a daycare today and loved it, so I think I might have found the place we will send the baby....such a relief!

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? Nothing big - just relaxing and getting together with family/friends 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @scarlet3egonias‌, hang in there momma. I can't imagine what a roller coaster of emotions you are on. Glad you little miracle is going strong. Take it easy this weekend!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thanks @runningmama14‌, that is super sweet of you. Hope you have a good weekend!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    EDD/weeks: 11/7, 16 weeks.

    Symptoms: Still suffering from 1st tri symptoms. And getting 2nd tri headaches. Accepting that this is probably what the rest of the pregnancy looks like...

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: Had an appointment yesterday, survived getting blood drawn and got to hear the heartbeat!!! Now I get to look forward to seeing the baby at our next appointment on 6/26.

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? X-Men with DH, outlet shopping with my mom, and maybe signing up last minute for the Bolder Boulder 10k that's on Monday.
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    CatLady22 said:

    EDD/weeks: 17 weeks 10/31

    Symptoms: heartburn, charley horses, and RLP.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: nope

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? Cooking out! Yum

    Are Charlie horses really a pregnancy thing? I get one in my calf muscle from time to time, but I had one last night. They always happen when I am sleeping. Not cool.

    Nov. '14 January Siggy : Work Sucks!


    Me 32-DH 38

    Married July 14, 2007  ----- TTC # 1 October 1, 2013
    BFP   March 7, 2014  -----  EDD November 17, 2014 ---- Baby boy born November 16, 2014

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    EDD/Weeks: Nov. 1, 17 weeks-onion :)

    Symptoms: nonstop headaches and back pain! Had to get an occipital nerve block from the headache specialist on Monday after having a headache for 2 weeks straight :(

    Rants/raves/appts: I have my next appt on Tuesday, I can't wait to hear LO again!

    I switched DS2's crib into a toddler bed tonight and he didn't try to get out at all :)

    GTKY: nothing set in stone yet for the weekend. We might camp in our front yard as a trial run for the kids (we are going on a 10 day camping trip to Idaho in June!) and we might have a cookout. We'll see what happens!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    CatLady22 said:

    mander82 said:

    CatLady22 said:

    EDD/weeks: 17 weeks 10/31

    Symptoms: heartburn, charley horses, and RLP.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: nope

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? Cooking out! Yum

    Are Charlie horses really a pregnancy thing? I get one in my calf muscle from time to time, but I had one last night. They always happen when I am sleeping. Not cool.
    According to dr. Google they are. Says they are common in 2nd and 3rd tri. I've had awful ones in my toes the last two days. :(

    In your toes? Ugh...that doesn't sound very nice at all!

    Nov. '14 January Siggy : Work Sucks!


    Me 32-DH 38

    Married July 14, 2007  ----- TTC # 1 October 1, 2013
    BFP   March 7, 2014  -----  EDD November 17, 2014 ---- Baby boy born November 16, 2014

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    CatLady22 said:

    mander82 said:

    CatLady22 said:

    EDD/weeks: 17 weeks 10/31

    Symptoms: heartburn, charley horses, and RLP.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: nope

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? Cooking out! Yum

    Are Charlie horses really a pregnancy thing? I get one in my calf muscle from time to time, but I had one last night. They always happen when I am sleeping. Not cool.
    According to dr. Google they are. Says they are common in 2nd and 3rd tri. I've had awful ones in my toes the last two days. :(
    In my early 20s I started getting really bad charlie horses in the arches of my feet. They are awful! They can wake me up in the middle off the night. My mom informed me that she used to get them in the same place, but only when she was pregnant. I've continued to have them randomly since. I was really worried that they would get worse with pregnancy, but so far that hasn't happened.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    EDD/weeks: 16 weeks. A full four months!! Yayy!! Baby is the size of an avacado.

    Symptoms: M/S is decreasing thank goodness!! I'm still fatigued, heartburn and having mood swings like crazy!!

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: We had the gender/sex scan yesterday and we are having a sweet baby girl! Yay!! She has really long legs and does not like having her picture taken. She takes after her dad!!

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? We are spending the weekend at the lake with my BIL and his girlfriend plus our three dogs. :)


     Married:  08.17.2013
    Sweet Angel Baby: 02.01.2014
    Emerson Shay:  10:28:2014
    Two Fur Babies:  Talli Mae and Lexi

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    EDD/weeks: 14 weeks, Nov 22

    Symptoms: Still nauseated and throwing up occasionally. Really looking forward to that going away.

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW: I've been busy the past couple weeks, but we finally announced to our families and on FB , so the news is out. Now I don't have to worry about hiding the bump! :) My only rant is that my crazy SIL said some really inappropriate things when we told her. I was pissed. No appt for a couple weeks.

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans? Relaxing! 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    EDD/weeks:  11/28- 13 weeks-Peach

    Symptoms:   Exhausted, bad RLP and ECP. Otherwise starting to feel more normal :).

    Rants/Raves/Appt Updates/ Anything you want to AW:  My next appt is 6/17 and my anatomy scan is 7/8!! We can't wait, and my son can't wait to see the baby either :D.

    GTKY: What are your Memorial Day plans?  We were OOT the entire weekend for a family reunion, hence my just now posting. lol We made the long drive from AL to Indiana and my son was awesome! We had a lot of fun :).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    @scarlet3egonias I'm late catching up on this thread, but I wanted to tell you I'm so sorry about the loss of one of the twins. I'm glad your little miracle is doing well and I wish for health and happiness for both of you!
    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

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