Boston Babies

Gestational Diabetes

Hi all! I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes and have no idea what I should be eating... Those who have or have had it, what do you recommend for meals & snacks?? I work full-time so I need things that are quick, easy and pack well. Thanks!!

Re: Gestational Diabetes

  • I would think your OB would get you in touch with someone who can help with diet. Things that helped me....hight fiber, low carb bread. Country kitchen has one. Peanut butter was my best friend too. Stay away from fruit juices. Go for real fruit instead. Pair all carbs with a protein to help keep you full. If they haven't suggested you talk to a nutritionist I might inquire about one. It really saved me.
    Can't figure out the signature thing, so here's the short, short version.....first daughter born on November 10, 2013. She was conceived through the magic of IVF after 2+ years of TTC.
  • My dr is in the process of booking me with a specialist, I'm waiting for an appointment
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  • I had a hard time with my numbers being high frequently but I found a few things....breakfast that worked was toast with peanut butter or eggs and toast..... a turkey sandwich with low carb bread/salad/orange was a lunch that I had often that didn't kick my numbers up.  A dinner that always brought in low numbers was chicken with rice and green beans.  Snacks that usually worked were  peanut butter crackers, cheese and crackers, cottage cheese, or yogurt.  Good luck and don't let the nutritionist scare you about the baby.... mine would always say things about the baby that scared me and I would end up crying .... when she was born she was 7lbs and was absolutely fine. 
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