I have been so anxious for the past few days, terrified to get bad news at my ultrasound today. In fact, I even attributed the nausea I have had the last couple of days to anxiety, not pregnancy. Alternately, I have been worried about the risks of a twin pregnancy. My birthday is this weekend and i wouldn't let anyone mention it or ask me what i wanted, because clearly asking for a gift card for maternity clothes would jinx it. So I have totally been a delight to be around this week, as you can imagine.
Fortunately, our ultrasound this morning (6w2d) revealed a gestational sack that measured 6w5d, a yolk sac, and an embryo measuring 6w2d. Not only were we able to see the heartbeat, but we were also able to hear it. Nice strong heartbeat of 125 bpm. I am relieved and feel cautiously optimistic, though I am certain that the anxiety will build again before the next ultrasound on June 2. I get to stay with my RE until 10 weeks.
(Child mentioned)
Dx: PCOS + MFI (low motility and morphology)
IVF w/ ICSI cycle #1
9 days stimming with Gonal-F, Menopur, Cetrotide
ER on 4/21 - 19 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 8 fertilized normally
3 embryos survived to blastocyst
2 hatching blastocysts transferred on 4/26
Faint BFP on 6dp5dt and getting darker each day
Beta #1 (11dp5dt) = 292
Beta #2 (18dp5dt) = 6,154
Ultrasound at 6w2d reveals a single baby with a heartbeat of 125 bpm! EDD 01/12/2015
Ultrasound at 8w0d: heart rate 164 bpm
Ultrasound at 9w4d: heart rate 185 bpm
Panorama tests returned in 10 calendar days. Low risk for everything!
It's a boy!!!
Mom to a 7 year old daughter, conceived with IUI (Clomid + Repronex) after 2 years of IF, 2 cancelled IUIs and 2 BFN IUIs
Re: First ultrasound today (warning)
FET #1 (7/2013) - 2 embryos - BFN
FET #2 (9/2013) - 2 emrbyos - BFN
New RE. Fresh Start
IVF #2 (2/2014) - 25 Retrieved, 19 Mature, 16 Fertilized, 9 blasts.
CGH Testing: 6 Normal
FET #3 (4/2014) -1 embryo - BFP! Beta#1: 35 Beta #2: 16
FET #4 (5/2014) -1 embryo - BFP! Beta#1: 321!!! Beta #2: 727.9! 6/5/2014 Heartbeat! 144bpm It's a girl! Due January!