Cloth Diapering

Newborn Covers

Any suggestions on newborn covers?

Has anyone used econobum, bummis or imagine covers?

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Re: Newborn Covers

  • Thirsties Size 1
  • I love the Assunta tiny covers, but they only come in snap, and I like Velcro for nb. We mostly used thirsties xs, but thirsties duos size 1 fit almost as soon.

    I did not like the bummis I had at all.
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  • Hmm... I'm just worried that my next baby will grow out of them quickly. My DD was pretty big, she was born 9lb 9oz, so I would like to have something that will fit a bigger baby.

    I looked into Assunta but I heard you have to pay with PayPal. 

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  • Assunta tiny covers are not just a nb cover. They are equivalent to a thirsties size 1 cover, maybe a tiny bit smaller. I forget the weight range, but my son wore them for 4 months to 16 lbs or so. That's why I prefer them or thirsties, thy lasting longer than a traditional nb size, but fit way before a OS.

    I think you do have to use pay pal, but I do whenever I can anyway.

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  • sarenu1sarenu1 member
    Blueberry mini coveralls are bigger. We did xs super Brite covers, rumparooz, and blueberry. The last two still fit my 6 month old, but he's pretty small (14 or 15 pounds).
  • We have one Bummis Super Brite newborn size, one rumparooz newborn sized, and a bunch of Thirsties size ones. DD came out too small for the Thirsties at 5lbs 14oz but has just managed (today) to start fitting into them now at 3 weeks.

    We've been doing a combo of cloth and disposables when we run out of covers while waiting for the Thirsties to fit and while fighting off a nasty diaper rash.

    Like and recommend all three cover brands, no complaints at all.
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  • Bummis super brite and Rumparooz newborn.  DS still fits in the RaR, and he is almost 5 months and almost 16 lbs.
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  • I think Assunta is slowly starting to allow credit cards but even so paying with paypal is just as easy. I wouldn't be concerned about your LO outgrowing them quickly. DS was 7lbs 15oz and they fit on the smallest setting, now at 4.5months we are at 15.2lbs and they still fit on the largest setting over a GMD red edge. DS is tall though so he isn't a super chunky 15 pounder.

  • We love Rumparooz NB! They fit for a long time too. I think the weights on them were 4-15 lbs. When DD came home she was 5 lbs, and they fit her for months and months, though we moved to our OS stash prior to her outgrowing the NB RaRs.


  • Lild09Lild09 member
    I have the imagine newborn cover on my LO right now, snapped to its tinest settings, he weighs 8 lb 2 oz (give or take) and is a week old, so far its a really good fit and was easy to put on.

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  • Thanks ladies! I'll check out thirsties, rumparooz and assunta again too. This would be so much easier if there weren't so many brands to chose from. 

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  • Imagine nb and rumparooz.  My little one still fits in them at 6 months and 14 lbs.
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