I just arrived at an work event this morning when I get a phone call from an unknown number. It was DH, who's school was on-lock down and evacuated because of a called in bomb threat. E goes to the day care at the school, which subsequently closed for the day. They both were stuck outside of the building - DH's car keys and cell phone were inside. He had no idea if or when they would be allowed back inside. He said that I may need to come and get them. I work over an hour away, plus the even that I was at was an additional 30 minutes from work - and I didn't have my car. My coworker drove.
Luckily, DH was able to get E home and my MIL is now watching her. I am so ticked. I want to wring the neck of the little
@sshole who thought that calling in a fake bomb threat would be a fun idea.
Re: One pissed mama
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Baby boy 7.10.13