
Shows I wish would come back

So we've been talking about shows we love, some have JUST been taken off the air, I want to know the old shows you would love to have come back.

Mine would be:

Strong Medicine 
Any Day Now 

Re: Shows I wish would come back

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  • @mbenit4, the top two are Lifetime Network shows, and the 3rd was an NBC show. They are all shows with strong females charcaters and all awesome.  I'm not sure if you can watch them anywhere for free, but if you can I highly recommend it.  
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  • myskyegirlmyskyegirl member
    edited May 2014
    Freaks and Geeks
    LOST (I want a new ending. Don't need more answers, just a new ending)
    I know there are more.
    Thank you @hiddenmickey!  The ending sucked giant balls!  Really you're all dead.  It's like the writers had enough, said Fuck It, let's just say they are dead, and let's go home for the night.  
  • EVA116EVA116 member

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  • Dead Like Me.
  • Pushing Daisies and Reaper. I think they both were cancelled after the Writer's strike. 

    I know I don't post much, but I completely agree about Pushing Daisies! Ugh, I was so pissed when it was cancelled. It was such a great concept, and all the actors we're great in it. That's all I have to contribute to this :)
  • Firefly.

    "Do you want to run this ship @sookiefrackhouse68?"  " can't"
  • EVA116EVA116 member
    Cosby Show

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  • myskyegirlmyskyegirl member
    edited May 2014
    I've never watch Lost before but looks like I should never waste my time. 
    Despite the ending @motherofpearl85 lost was a good show.  Give it a chance.  The Wicked Witch is in it if that gives you a push.
  • United States of Tara, I wanted a little more resolution. It didn't feel complete.
  • I forgot to add Ellie Stone.  I loved that show

  • Firefly, dollhouse, I'm sure there are more
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  • Sisters
    Gilmore Girls
    Cosby Show
    Lois and Clark

    Clearly these are mostly stolen from PPs. Original thought is hard, yo.
  • Dead Like Me. It's like they make a great show, get you hooked, and then say, nah, we're gonna stop right here. WTF? And Terra Nova.
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  • @starscream, They should totally bring Girlfriends back.  I feel like it just ended without knowing what happened with the girls.  Did Joan marry Aaron, what happened with Lynn's carreer.  What the hell happened to Toni!!  
  • Charmed.  I feel like that show could go on forever.
    The Office! (US)  but with Steve Carell.  It just wasn't the same without him.

    I concur with Freaks and Geeks, Firefly and Are You Afraid of the Dark?

  • Flight of the Conchords

  • Life was a great show that ended in part because of the writer's strike. It was so well written. It's on Netflix if anyone is interested. 

    It seriously is one of the best shows I've ever watched. I wish Lie to Me would also come back. It felt unfinished due to an unexpected cancellation.
    @auburngirlsc, I forgot about Lie To Me.  It just ended without resolution, but I feel like I remember not liking the last season anyway.  

  • +1 for Carnivale. I want to know what happened, dammit!

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  • msdrdgmsdrdg member
    Gilmore Girls
    The Book of Love Has Music in it


  • Smash
    Go On
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  • Ringer!!!!!!!
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  • NYC Prep and Showbiz Moms and Dads, both on Bravo. God, DH and I loved those shows.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • Oh and Seinfeld, obvs.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • suziqncsuziqnc member
    October Road, Dollhouse, The Lying Game

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  • suziqncsuziqnc member
    Oh, and I would love for Ravenswood to come back on just long enough to explain what was really going on in that town!

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  • There used to be an old show on Bravo, where they followed around aspiring actors.  One was a family, the Nutters.  The father was DETERMINED to get himself and his family into tv and the movies.  The older kids wanted nothing to do with his plan.  I still wonder what happened to that family. 
  • There used to be an old show on Bravo, where they followed around aspiring actors.  One was a family, the Nutters.  The father was DETERMINED to get himself and his family into tv and the movies.  The older kids wanted nothing to do with his plan.  I still wonder what happened to that family. 

    That's Showbiz Moms and Dads!! And remember Shane Klingensmith?! Amazing.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • Anyone remember the Mtv series Dead at 21? Loved it.

    Also that hidden camera show with people caught singing in their cars was awesome.
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  • myskyegirlmyskyegirl member
    edited May 2014
    @littlejerry, that's it.  I loved that show, the family was INSANE.  The daughter would throw fits when she had to go to auditions, hahahaha

    I want a reunion show.  :)  

    @cate1234I couldn't get into Coupling, but I loved Cold Feet.  
  • Soxgirl07 said:
    Sisters Gilmore Girls Cosby Show Lois and Clark Clearly these are mostly stolen from PPs. Original thought is hard, yo.

    also arrested development
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