Stay at Home Moms

crap. worried.. some insight please.

A couple hours ago ds was playing with bubbles and it was all soapy on the bubble wand and he inhaled it. Then coughed then played some more. Now his voice is all raspy! And all I can think of is dry drowning. Ugh. He has been coughing for a few days with a crazy running nose which could make his voice raspy. He also has a rash on his upper lip but that could be from whipping his nose so much. Hes been acting completely fine running around out side for the last couple of hours. Isn't tired or anything. But my mind tends to jump to the worst immediately and now im worried!

Re: crap. worried.. some insight please.

  • My mind would never have jumped to dry drowning, though admittedly I had to google it. How much did he inhale? There isn't much liquid on a bubble wand. If he is acting fine, I would guess it's just the result of his cold.
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  • id012id012 member
    It wasn't so much liquid it was all suds because he shook up the container and skimmed it off the top. I just freaked out because his voice got all raspy now its start in to back to normal. I may just call thr doctor for peace of mind.
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  • Hmm I had to google "dry drowning" too. It doesn't sound like this is happening at all. If anything I would think kids would puke from swallowing bubbles liquid since it's so soapy. Or get the hiccups! My DD1 sneaks and eats dirt out of our plants pretty much for a living and she's fine, so... ;) It just sounds like he has cold symptoms.
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