
Pirate Party Help

So Ds's party this weekend is pirate themed. We will have a bounce house, but I wanted to do a "walk the plank" game too. I was going to buy a plastic baby pool and fill it with water and have the board be suspended over it. Dh says it's a terrible idea bc kids will inevitabley fall in. My Sil suggested sand so we can have burried treasure! But I don't want sand being dumped all over my yard and tracked into my house. WWYD?

Also, I was going to have a treasure hunt in the back yard. Is it ok to have the "treasure" be the party favors? (Foam swords, eye patches, and scarfs) Or should I get something else?
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It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

Rap Roller

Re: Pirate Party Help

  • I'm probably thinking too much into this. Dh would thank you if you told me to hump the breaks
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • HAHAHA! I'm leaving it
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
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  • I love the ball idea! My Sil actually has a tons of balls. I'll ask if I can borrow them :) I'm mostly worried about the sand bc we got hardwood floors installed a couple months ago and I baby them. I get twitchy thinking about sand getting stuck in the cracks.
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • SD had a princess and pirate party and we had a treasure hunt. The treasure was a mixture of plastic gold coins and chocolate gold coins. Oh and ring pops too. We also gave them pirate and princess stuff as part of the party favor but didn't put it in the treasure chest.

     TTC since August 2011, Me = 40, DH = 38
    Unexplained IF. Tried Clomid for 3 cycles. All BFNs. BFP 1/6/13. Chemical pregnancy.

    Moving on to IVF#1. ER 11/26/13, 16 eggs retreived, 12 mature and all fertilized. 2 blasts transferred on 12/1. All other embies arrested so nothing left to freeze. Beta 12/10 = BFN. IVF #2 March 2014. BFP!!! TEAM BLUE!!!

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  • Rxmom04Rxmom04 member
    I think it's ok to have treasure as the favors. We did a pirate party for DS last year and did just that. Found treasure chests (think happy meal style cardboard boxes) and gave the kids an eye patch and inflatable sword and then let them fill up the boxes with candy as favors. The kids loved it.
  • I did a walk the plank by placing a skinny board over a cheap plastic table cloth cut into a pond shape. We added shark fins out of foam.

     Another option for digging for treasure is bird seed if you have it. We used shredded brown packing paper.

    For a scavenger hunt, we had the children wear the eye patches and have a fake hook on one hand. We hid empty plastic water bottles. Inside was a piece of paper with ripped edges and "aged" with tea. Each slip was rolled up and had the children's names written on them. They had to open the bottles and find only the ones with their names. I'm not sure if that would work for your age group though. 
  • PIRATE PARTY SHARK Fins - Boys Birthday Party - Girls Pirate Party - Pirates of the Caribbean  - Poppysmic Bowtique

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