Can someone please educate me on the name Sophia? I've been googling like crazy and have found that Sophia was supposedly an archangel. The archangel of love. I've read that and something about how she at one point loved lucifer? I'm so confused and just want to know who she was in the bible and why she was always crying. I know the obvious things like the name means wisdom and that it's Greek I guess but who was Sophia in the biblical sense? Was she an archangel? Did she have relations with lucifer? I just became even more confused after I googled it and am wanting some serious information.
Re: History of Sophia? Meaning? Biblical? Confused!!
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This. I've studied theology for years and this is what most theology circles regard Sophia as. It is the name for God's wisdom - it is a feminine name. Some believe it is mention/proof of the feminine or matriarchal side of God.