Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Eczema - why?

I am unable to breast feed my baby boy who is 3 months. He is now on Nutramegene what I supposed to help lactose and milk allergy. He is still breaking out in a bad rash all over his body. Has anyone else been on this journey? What worked? What could be causing it? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Eczema - why?

  • You might try the food allergy board. Those ladies would definitely have ideas!

  • amt0312amt0312 member
    Just posted this on my BMB earlier....Nutramigen works for a lot of kids with MSPI, but not all of them. It's possible that your LO *might* be unable to tolerate nutramigen. Even enfamil acknowledges that it doesn't work for every child (but they do boast that it helps 90% of them). 

    There are other elemental / hypoallergenic formulas out there. Its something worth looking into and asking your doctor about. There is also the option for soy if you LO does not have a soy allergy as well. 

    That being said, the rash could be related to something else or depending on how long your LO has been on nutramigen, it still takes awhile for the milk protein to works its way out of their systems. 

    My DD does not have a milk protein allergy, but we are thinking she's got some reaction to lactose. We don't know, have no clue...she was on nutramigen for a week and everything got worse. I mean projectile vomiting worse. It was awful. Switched her to soy and she improved a ton. She still spits up an enormous amount, but its nothing like it was when she was on regular milk-based formula or nutramigen. 
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  • lynnl81lynnl81 member
    Lurker here....just wanted to let you know that my 3 year old was on nutramigen when he was a baby for a milk allergy. He has eczema as well. When we switched to this formula, his skin improved. My second son is 4 months old and when he was put on Nutramigen at 12 weeks old, his skin flared up really bad (he has eczema as well) I mean big, red splotches everywhere. Our doctor switched him to Similac sensitive to Lactose (it is pretty clear to us that he has an allergy to lactose now) and his skin has since cleared up. It's still not perfect, he does still have eczema, but it's looking way better then before. I would call your doctor. He will probably suggest trying another brand. We tried 4 different kinds of formulas before we found one that worked with this baby. Hang in there. You'll find one that works. (Neosure was next on the list if the one we are on now had not worked out).
  • My DS did horrible on Nutramigen, Alimentum does wonders for him (we also used it for my DD when she was a baby). His eczema is now very minimal and if it flairs up, Aquaphor has been taking care of it.
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