Baby Names

My short names list- wdyt and combo help

CrazyamazingCrazyamazing member
edited May 2014 in Baby Names
Athanasius "Athan" ______
Athanasius Hunter?
Hunter Anthanasius?
Jaeson Athanasius?

Marie ______
Marie Jacinta?
Marie Perrine?
Marie Josephine?

I'm kinda drawing blanks for combos.. 14 weeks now, so it's getting more real hehe I have a bump!

Re: My short names list- wdyt and combo help

  • CrazyamazingCrazyamazing member
    edited May 2014
  • CrazyamazingCrazyamazing member
    edited May 2014
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  • Marie Valentina is gorgeous! I've always loved Valentina, but not for a first name, because of 'Val' or 'Tina'. Thanks for the suggestions :)

    The mixed up style is me trying to incorporate my husbands input lol.. Theron is a good idea. I'll suggest it.

    Thanks again!
  • I don't like any of your boy options.  Jaeson is particularly horrendous.

    Marie is great with any of your pairings.  I would vote for Josephine.

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  • bromios said:

    I LOVE Athanasius and Marie! I suspect that Jaeson is not a real spelling and Hunter isn't nearly in the same league as Athanasius. Can you give me some more examples of boy names you considered because I feel like I don't have a good handle on your style for boy names (although I kind of love the idea of Athanasius Theron (Theron means hunter)). I like Marie Josephine best out of your combinations. Other suggestions for girls:

    Marie Emmanuelle
    Marie Evangeline
    Marie Noelle
    Marie Sabine
    Marie Simone
    Marie Georgiana
    Marie Valentina
    Marie Theodora

    Agree with most of this. But I think Jacinta is gorgeous.

    For Athanasius, I'd go classic and short. Paul. Peter. John. James.
  • Thanks :). Our lSt name is one syllable.. Do you think a one syllable middle would work? Cer, I am notoriously bad at putting together combos lol
  • I am loving @bromios suggestion of Theron, but as a first name. I can't get behind Athanasius as a first name...
    Natural M/C 03.26.2012 at 10w2d
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  • Yeah, it's kind of a mouthful. We would call him Athan. Athanasius is a saint's name, and important to us... While I'm open to something knocking me off my feet and taking the first name slot, it's not likely. :)

    DH is leaning toward Marie Josephine for a girl. Girl name is pretty much decided now.

  • CrazyamazingCrazyamazing member
    edited May 2014
    My last name doesn't go well with Theron, DH just reminded me. 'There in Snow'
    ( my name sounds like snow but spelled differently )
  • bromios said:
    I am loving @bromios suggestion of Theron, but as a first name. I can't get behind Athanasius as a first name...
    Theron Athanasius would be pretty awesome too...
    Yes, yes it would!!
    Natural M/C 03.26.2012 at 10w2d
    Charlotte born at 28w3d due to severe IUGR on 12.24.2012 Merry Christmas!
    Missed M/C discovered 12.22.2014 at 8w1d measuring 6w3d
    2015 was a year to test strength of both body and character, but it led us to this... BFP 01.26.2016 EDD 9.30.2016
  • I like Jason or Iason with Athanasius as a MN. I like Marie Josephine but love Josephine Marie.
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  • I like Josephine Marie, too, but think Marie gets overused as a middle and underused as a first. I think it'd be neat to have a little Marie running around...
    I really should just find out what I'm having. It'd cut the naming task in half. Lol
  • I like Marie Josephine best foolowed by Jacinta.

    Marie Bernadette
    Marie Heloise
    Marie Beatrix
    Marie Rose

    I'm not familiar with your boy name, so I am unclear on pronunciation and can't think of MN options. I would like to suggest just Than as the NN though. I knew a Nathaniel who went by Than and I think it might be more wearable than Athan. Again, I'm unclear on the pronunciation, but Athan sounds like one has either left the N off of Nathan OR is slurring Athens. 
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  • LOL Bromios! I don't think of anus, but I do wonder about it sounding like Nathan with something missing. But with all the Ethans, Evans, Aidans, etcetera, I thought it wouldn't be terribly out of place.
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