
I need that support all the newbs whine about.

The parking lot at dd daycare is super small and cramped. I was trying to back out today and people kept zooming past me not giving me a chance. Then, a little boy RAN BEHIND MY CAR causing me to almost back over him.

All the while dd is screaming at the top of her lungs. I lost my cool and screamed "please shut the fuck up!" I was just so frustrated on top of wanting to puke. I feel like the world's worst mom.

Everyone drink one for me. What the fuck.

Re: I need that support all the newbs whine about.

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  • edited May 2014
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  • I would have been freaked out too. Hope tomorrow is better.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • Absolutely have done that and my kid just started talking like 8 months ago! Hugs...hope tomorrow is better!
  • Been there with the yelling!  The only thing that usually keeps me from swearing is the knowledge that my son WILL choose that exact moment to have his fucking listening ears up nice and loud and will repeat it endlessly.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • I say "what the fuck, J" "shut up" "fucking quit it" at least a couple times a week. A child's only purpose in life is to test their parents patience.
  • Totally understandable! I also know how crappy it makes you feel anyway. As PPs have said, tomorrow is a new day, and you are a great momma :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh no! That sounds very stressful :(. I'd have done the same. I'm sure she's already forgotten it. And thank goodness you saw the boy!
    Our dcp parking lot is ridiculous too. So annoying.




  • SpeshulSpeshul member
    I'm sorry! That sounds awful! It'll be ok, the important thing is everyone is safe.

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  • RVASC811 said:

    Daycare parking lot is THE WORST. How about patting yourself on the back for seeing the little boy?

    Even worse, his mom gave me the dirtiest look, and I had already burst into tears! I mean, come on lady!


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  • my5sonsmy5sons member
    I can relate to the yelling/cussing under stress...I do it more than I care to admit. I feel guilty after the fact....but when the next big moment of stress comes I do it again. We're human. As moms we put so much pressure on ourselves to be like Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way! But reality is we are going to mess up, and it's OK. Your kid loves you no matter what, and it's clear how much you love your kid as well. Even Mary Poppins had bad days too, I bet :)

    Screw that mom for giving you dirty looks. She should be thanking you on bended knee for spotting her kid and having the quick reflexes to be able to react so quickly. I would have had an epic nervous breakdown and said fuck many MANY times.

    Hugs to you...i know how stressful your day must have been! But know that you are a wonderful (and wonderfully human) mom :)
  • edited May 2014
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  • Oh gosh, I can't imagine with the little boy behind that car, I would've freaked out too! So sorry you went through that. :( At least at the end of the day everyone is safe.
  • This weekend after one to many tattles I believe my response to my 3 year old niece was something along the lines of "I don't even fucking CARE so just STOP"

    Not one of my finer moments but it happens to us all. Props for seeing the kid, that's all that matters in the end.
  • That is such a stressful situation.  Almost every time I've lost my cool on DD, it's been in the car. We get stuck in traffic a lot and having her whining and yelling is just such an added stress. 
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  • I yelled at my kid yesterday, too.

    We were handling the baby birds and last week he dropped one and permanently damaged it.

    I don't remember what he was doing, exactly, but I was on edge because I don't want him to kill one on accident.

    There was yelling and cussing involved. I try really hard not to be like my parents, but I grew up with yelling and cussing and I feel sometimes like I am swimming against the tide.

    We are human. It's okay to male mistakes, especially if you are willing to admit and take responsibility for them.
    Elkanah Brave, born 02/06/2012 7:26am
  • Hugs @haygurlhay‌ What a stressful situation. I hope today is a better day. We've all lost our cool before. Dont beat yourself up about it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That sounds like my worst nightmare! I hate parking lots and screaming. I've yelled shut up more times than I'd like but none of us are perfect.

    Harry Styles = Life Ruiner


    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
  • Hugs to you.  Tomorrow is a new day :)


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