Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Feeding help

I am just so confused with feeding DD. Just when I thought things were working, I get thrown off by something new. DD has been getting 32oz of formula over 5 feedings. We introduced cereal about a week ago. In the last 2 days she has been spitting up more, she hasn't done that in a while. The cereal hasn't replaced a formula feeding, she is only getting 1Tbsp mixed with formula, it is pretty thin. I don't know if she is getting too much, she takes it all so that makes me think she wants it. We plan on introducing vegetables and fruits in about 3 weeks when school is out for the summer and I am home. Does this sound right? Should I be feeding her the cereal as a meal instead? Is this something I should call the ped over?

Wedding 08/08/08

BFP #1 12/29/10 EDD 08/29/11 Blighted Ovum 02/09/11 D&C 02/11/11

Clomid 50mg BFP #2 09/21/11 EDD 05/29/11 Chemical Pregnancy 10/4/11

BFP #3 4/19/13 Beta1- 106 Beta2- 524 Beta3- 3500 EDD 12/22/13 LO born 12/31/13

Re: Feeding help

  • Is she teething? That can create more spit up.

    Are you serving the cereal in the bottle or on a spoon? It might be time to thicken it up a tiny bit & reduce the amount.

    We skipped cereal & went straight to meats first & savories like sweet potato. DS hated cereal.

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  • When they first start solids, it's not supposed to replace a meal.  Bottle feed her first, then offer cereal 45 minutes to an hour later.  Only feed her as much as she wants (that is, don't coax her to eat more); my LO will turn her head away from the spoon when she's done (we started cereal last Sunday and she's done this consistently; we started sweet potatoes this past Sunday and she did the same thing).  If she refuses three times in a row, we stop.

    I wouldn't wait three more weeks to introduce other foods; a week on cereal is plenty.  Try one food at a time once a day for 3-4 days in a row to make sure there's no reaction.  Good first foods after cereal are sweet potatoes, avocado, bananas, carrots, but you can really try almost anything (no honey or nut butters, though).
    You can give nut butters--they recently revised recommendations and say there's no need to wait, but you should probably wait until about 6 months. (They recommend waiting until 6 months for any food, really).
    Our ped gave us the go ahead at our 4 month appointment. I wouldn't have fed her cereal without the ped saying it was okay. I want to make my own baby food, that was the reasoning for waiting. I am going to buy a sweet potato this weekend and try that. Hopefully she likes it. DD is definitely teething, she spits up a bunch, drools, and is full of spit and a little mucusy.
    Is she teething? That can create more spit up. Are you serving the cereal in the bottle or on a spoon? It might be time to thicken it up a tiny bit & reduce the amount. We skipped cereal & went straight to meats first & savories like sweet potato. DS hated cereal.

    Wedding 08/08/08

    BFP #1 12/29/10 EDD 08/29/11 Blighted Ovum 02/09/11 D&C 02/11/11

    Clomid 50mg BFP #2 09/21/11 EDD 05/29/11 Chemical Pregnancy 10/4/11

    BFP #3 4/19/13 Beta1- 106 Beta2- 524 Beta3- 3500 EDD 12/22/13 LO born 12/31/13

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