Baby Names

Where did I go wrong.

Yesterday my husband out of the blue said "Peyton is a nice name for a boy or girl. Of course you would have to spell it P-A-Y-T-O-N for a girl. Or maybe P-E-I-G-H-T-O-N-"

Meanwhile I'm sitting there like

Clearly I have failed. Luckily our actual short list of names has nothing similar to Peighton on it... Anyone else's SO ever suggested a name that you just automatically had to veto?
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Re: Where did I go wrong.

  • BKD1386BKD1386 member
    My husband suggested Elvis.  And Duane.  umm... no  LOL
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  • Feneken. For a girl.
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  • Madison, Alexis, Taylor were his first name suggestions. Middle name ideas of Lynn, Marie or Ann. Really??
  • Thankfully the "worst" name he came up with was Brenna for a girl. I can live with that
  • I said no to Charles Darwin.
  • Mine suggested Sagan for this baby. I'll probably let him have his way . . . as the middle name only, though.
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
  • vjdk07vjdk07 member
    For a girl Lilu and he wasn't joking. It's from the movie The Fifth Element.
    Me: 31 DH:36
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    DD born 1/3/15

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  • Valkyrie. He was seriously hung up on Valkyrie for a girl.
    Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
    3 IVFs, 4 FETs, 11 transferred embryos, 3 losses (c/p, 6w, 17w)
    2012: Lost "Peanut" at 17weeks to PTL/IC.
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    Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
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     Dum spiro, spero.
  • Mine suggested Sagan for this baby. I'll probably let him have his way . . . as the middle name only, though.

    As in Carl?
  • Mine suggested Sagan for this baby. I'll probably let him have his way . . . as the middle name only, though.

    Luckily the only me DH suggested this time was Madison NN Maddie. Not awful just...meh.

    When we were naming DD, he had Digby on his boy list. Um....

    Oh and Dagny for a girl, which a GP part of me actually likes. Haha!
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  • mkblandmkbland member
    Mine suggested Magdalene which I liked. But he insisted on spelling it Magdalyn so I had to veto which was unfortunate.
  • Caitlin, fine, but his newest neice was just named Katelynn, he forgot.

  • I hate the name Peyton, regardless of spelling. I'm hispanic and the spanish word for "fart" is "peo", pronounced "peyo". So I automatically think fart when I see that name.
  • Marylou, Dh met a 60 year old woman with the name and thought it was cute and girly.
  • My DH has very eclectic taste - one minute will suggest very 80's names (Rachel, Melissa, Nicole) then something very Spanish sounding (Juan Martin).

    Thankfully we agree on a few good ones!
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  • Jags8Jags8 member
    DH liked Lumen (heard it from Dexter). That was a big fat NO from me.
  • Too funny! My husband wanted to name a boy Gordon....which isn't a terrible name but he chose it so he could use the nickname "squash" because he would be gord....don't even ask. I'm so glad we have two girls :)
  • Mine suggested Tyrone and Crystal. NO.
  • Zlatan and some other names of footballers (first names though, that's the good part).
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  • My husband is into really, really girly names. Lucy, Emily, Emma, Ellie.... Not bad names, but they are completely and utterly NMS. But I had a couple he vetoed too, so I guess we're even. :)

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  • BKD1386 said:
    My husband suggested Elvis.  And Duane.  umm... no  LOL
    Elvis was on DH's short list for DS. I'm still not certain if he was kidding.

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  • CJ12211CJ12211 member
    Aragorn, although he was joking.
  • mh89mh89 member
    Whenever I'd suggest names that DH thought were too weird (like Hermione as a middle name, Cedric, Alistair, Ariadne, etc) he'd suggest ridiculous things in response like Saranwrap or Velociraptor. 
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  • mjreilly2 said:

    When we were talking about names for DD1, I brought up Walter. His alternative: Wallaby "Wally."

    Love Walter, and I like Wally as a NN, but sweet fancy Moses, Walaby?

    "I'm going to see a man about a wallaby."

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
    Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
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  • rae76rae76 member
    DH hasn't brought up a name that I just hate, however, the one girl name I loved for our son (we were team green for him) he absolutely vetoed.  Fast forward 5 years and now he thinks he likes it if we have a girl this time.  I asked him how he could change his mind on a name that he absolutely hated...his response?  "I used to hate guacamole too, but I eat it now."  Oi vey!
  • Nothing outrageous, but when I suggested Genevieve, he countered with Jennifer. Then he suggested that I didn't like the name Jennifer because it is too "old fashioned".  
    Our sweet girl is 3!

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  • DH was stuck on Helena when we were naming DD. I hate that name. It was the only name he would suggest.
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  • Thankfully my husband has stopped offering suggestions at this point. ;) His best offering the first go around was Murphy. Our last name rhymes with Gerber.  :-&
    P - 9/2008
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