
reassure me it's okay to be small/short! (toddler percentiles)

My son was born at 33 wks 6 days. He's now 19 and a half months actually and just turned 18 months developmentally. He has always been in about the 12-15 percentile for weight, height, and head circumference. The past two appointments (his 15 month and 18 month), he seemed not to have grown in height at all from 12 to 15 months and then maybe 1/4 of an inch from 15 to 18 months. The pediatrician was not worried, but she fudged the numbers on the chart and gave him a bit more height so it didn't affect his curve...she felt the nurses probably didn't measure right, but she didn't re-measure. So that bothered me.

Anyways, he's about 23 pounds and 31 inches (currently at 18 months developmental). So he's small, especially for a boy. I'm more concerned about the height, because he seems to be following his curve for weight. Please reassure me that this doesn't necessarily mean something is for sure wrong. Also, anyone else feel like their toddler was stuck at the same height for quite a few months?
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Re: reassure me it's okay to be small/short! (toddler percentiles)

  • My DH was born at 32 weeks and he is 6 feet tall.  And his dad is only about 5'7."  I guess there were genes for height somewhere.  DH's mom told me he was fat and short as a baby.

     I have read that many preemies grow a lot towards the end of their second year.  So there is still time.  Plus, he doesn't sound super short and having more weight than height is apparently a good thing for preemies who use that energy to grow.  There can be some other reasons kids don't grow and there are growth hormones some preemies take, but I don't think you should worry yet.
  • Thanks for the reassurance, ladies! :)
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  • MinaE01MinaE01 member
    My 32 weeker is now 19 months old. He is 30" and not even 22 lbs - smaller than Oliver! No one is worried. He is right on developmentally, so we are just accepting that he is small but healthy! H and I are not big (I'm 5'5, He's 5'7). I really would not be concerned if I were you, especially since he's doing well developmentally.

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  • mmookimmooki member
    My 33weeker was 5.12 at birth and is now 2. She weighed in at just under 24 lbs at her 2 year appointment. I figure someone has to be at the bottom end. I am on the tall side, my dh, dad and brother are all over 6 feet.
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  • I've been looking at my LO's curve since she was born. Waiting for that catch up growth to happen. She's still very much on the small side (6th percentile for weight which we'll take since was in the 2nd forever, .75 for height). What I've been told multiple times at the appointments for height/ weight checks is to focus more on the slope of the curve (I barely remember trig- rise over run type stuff ) but as long as the line is going upward and following the trajectory of where it would keep going according to the slope  you're in good shape. You also may start to see the distance between the actual and adjusted curve start to get smaller which is also nice.
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  • ana_kana_k member
    My eldest was 36w, she is nearly 4 and hasn't gained any weight since turning 3, I've been assured it's fine, she's grown 4cm in height, apparently it's quite normal once kids are active and burning energy and closer to 5 start growing again. If Paeds is happy, try to go with flow :)
  • Update on M--at 17 months, she has had a big growth spurt.  People keep asking me if her dad is tall because she looks so big compared to other kids.  
  • My DS and DD are very small for their age adjusted or not.  They are both less than the 3rd percentile on the growth charts and I could care less.  They are happy, healthy and most importantly alive.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Prematurity does some wacky things but eventually as adults most of the issues from preamtureity (delayed development or growth) will not be noticeable. 
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  • My 36-weeker is only 3% for weight and 7% for height.  We'll do a weight check in 6 months, but neither the doctor or I are concerned at all.  She is developing just fine, is healthy, and eats well.  My husband and I are also small so the likely hood of her being bigger or taller is slim. 
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  • DS is in the .03 percentile for height :) Don't worry! Some kids are just small or grow a ton later on. Totally normal!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • My twins were born at just a few days shy of 35 weeks at 2lbs9oz 14.5" and 3lbs7oz 15.5" and as of their 18 month check up (at which they were already over 19 months) they were around 20 lbs and 33" tall each (which I think is fairly tall). I know they are just going to be petite little girls. I just wish they would gain a little bit of weight since we need to FF them before #3 arrives in September.

    Long story short, like pps have said. If the psi isn't concerned I wouldnt be.


  • Yep, I'm with the other ladies :-) My DS was born at 29 weeks, 2lb5oz. At 20 months he's only in the 5 percentile for height and weight, the doc isn't worried, so neither am I. He'll catch up in his own time. He's eating and is healthy overall. At this age their really active so they burn off alot of calories, so growth can slow a bit.
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