We are TTC for our second child and I am curious if we should go with a double stroller of if I should just stick with a single for the newborn. At what age do you feel your child should/will be out of a stroller? I am very interested in the city select as it has so many different seating positions but my husband seems to think we will not need it.
Thank you!
Re: How big is too big for a stroller?
If it's a super long all day trip like disneyland then I'll just have dh push ds in one of my singles and I'll push the dbl. For the most part though he will be walking.
i'm due with #2 in 2 wks. DD is 18 months. We have the UBV and rarely use it because its big and bulky and a pain to get in and out of the car.
We opted not to buy a double just yet. We also have the Gluxe umbrella stroller that we use way more often. I didn't know if the 2 stroller route is going to be a pain or how much I would wear #2, or if the rumble seat for the UBV would work so i'm going with the theory of we'll see when we get there and if necessary, buy what we need.
That's the conclusion I have come to @SandAndsSea !!
Thanks everyone!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
My son will be 4 in 2 weeks- we still use the stroller for big outings (the zoo ,walks around the lake, etc) and it was a must at Disneyworld in January.
He doesn't need it for small things, but for big outings it is still needed.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014