Cloth Diapering

bonding fabric? OT

What do I buy to bond a PUL fabric to a cotton fabric? It's just for the edges to make sewing the two pieces easier. 

And, I want to get it from Joann's. 
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Re: bonding fabric? OT

  • Are you looking for something like Stitch Witchery? I'm not sure how high you could get the iron temp before. Harming the PUL (although technically if t can handle a dryer on high, it's probably fine for the iron to be fairly hot as long as you don't have the PUL directly against the iron...). Can you use pins and just make sure to keep them within your seam allowance? I've also seen people using bobby pins or binder clips for PUL.
    London Eye 
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  • good call on the binder clips, @ellebeedub ! I will try that. Thanks :)
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