DD1 will be three next month. She's still in her crib. Our second daughter sleeps in a bassinet and will eventually need DD1's crib. DD1 will go to a bed and DD2 will start sleeping in the crib soon. We have a tiny house. Our girls share a small room. To conserve space, we're thinking of getting a loft bed with rails for DD1. Thoughts? With railings, I imagine it would be safe; or is it?. Has anyone else done this?
She'll need help getting in and out of the bed - specifically climbing down the ladder - for a while. We're alright with this.
Re: loft bed for three year old
My kid wouldn't think twice about jumping off the top bunk, he thinks he is invincible lol .. but he loves the wooden castle we built him, so something like that to make the top a fortress would be perfect for him ...and solves the safety concerns for us at least.