Toddlers: 24 Months+

loft bed for three year old

DD1 will be three next month.  She's still in her crib.  Our second daughter sleeps in a bassinet and will eventually need DD1's crib.  DD1 will go to a bed and DD2 will start sleeping in the crib soon. We have a tiny house.  Our girls share a small room.  To conserve space, we're thinking of getting a loft bed with rails for DD1.  Thoughts?  With railings, I imagine it would be safe; or is it?.  Has anyone else done this? 
She'll need help getting in and out of the bed - specifically climbing down the ladder - for a while.  We're alright with this.
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Re: loft bed for three year old

  • I have a 3 yo who just came out of her crib last month.  I would not feel comfortable putting her in a loft bed honestly.  Yes she would need help getting in and out of bed but how could you guarantee she would wait for you?  My DD doesn't wait for someone to get her now that she doesn't have to.  She is in a toddler bed now and those do not take up much space at all.  I would think about that.  

    I think most loft beds say 6 and up anyway.  
  • WipzWipz member
    we looked  at one for our 2 year old.. with steps rather than a ladder.. it was a twin over full..  the top bunk would have been off limits without some kind of bed tent or fort at the top till he was older.  I would highly recommend you take your child to the store and watch how they interact and  handle something like this on a few occasions before attempting to purchase something like that.

    My kid wouldn't think twice about jumping off the top bunk, he thinks he is invincible lol .. but he loves the wooden castle we built him, so something like that to make the top a fortress would be perfect  for him ...and solves the safety concerns for us at least.
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  • yeah.yeah. member
    No way.

    My 3 yo has a bunk bed but she sleeps on the bottom and we barricade the top. It's not safe and there's no way I would even consider putting my 3 yo up on a loft.
  • dglvrk2dglvrk2 member
    Ok. I actually found a couple of toddler beds. They're less spacious than a regulus at bed or crib. Hopefully they'll do the trick. Thanks.
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  • SusieBWSusieBW member
    We're getting our 2.5 year old a bunk bed, but she's going to sleep on the bottom until her brother is ready for a big kid bed, and then he'll get the bottom and she'll get the top.  She'll be at least 5 by then.  The bunks we're getting have a ladder, and the ladder will just get stored in the basement until we need it.
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  • DS has a loft bed, but we got it when he was 4. I thought the toddler bed was transition enough for the first step out of the crib. He did great, got out of pull ups and then we got him the loft bed, which he LOVES. To be honest, I'd be way too worried about him getting in and out by himself at night when he was 3...
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  • dglvrk2dglvrk2 member
    SusieBW said:
    We're getting our 2.5 year old a bunk bed, but she's going to sleep on the bottom until her brother is ready for a big kid bed, and then he'll get the bottom and she'll get the top.  She'll be at least 5 by then.  The bunks we're getting have a ladder, and the ladder will just get stored in the basement until we need it.
    We plan to do this eventually.  DD1 will be 5 (may be even older) when DD2 is ready to get out of her crib.  :-)
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  • While everyone is saying no, I am going to say it is a great idea. My daughter is turning 3 at the end of next month and she has had a loft bed for over a month now. It has railings on it and she has no problems with the ladder and has never fallen! It is a great space saver as it has a dresser, bookshelves, cabinet and desk inside of it! If your child has good gross motor it up!
  • Eh depends on the kid. My DD has never once gotten out of bed - she always calls for us and she has never fallen out of a bed with no rails (she has a trundle under her bed that we pull out a bit). I've seen some 'loft' beds at Ikea that are pretty low, if the worst happened and my DD fell out of one of those I don't think it would be that big of a deal.
    DD Nov 2010 ~ DS June 2012
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