Baby Names

Baby girl: Liv/Lively

edited May 2014 in Baby Names
So, dh and I both love the name Liv for our little girl on the way. We love that it means life. We love that it's short and simple and easy to spell/pronounce, yet not too common. We mostly have no problem that is it "nickname" sounding, as my full first name is also a 4 letter common nickname, and one of our sons has a 3 letter full name that is sometimes a nickname as well (he's Eli, not Elijah). So with that being said, we know Liv is so commonly a nickname for Olivia that we are considering giving her a longer full name and just always calling her Liv. I refuse to do Olivia and dh doesn't really like it either. Today I thought of "Lively," which I would never call her, but think it is so fitting as she IS so lively already, always kicking away, way more than my previous 2 kids. So my poll is asking, should we go with: 1) Liv, and don't worry about people asking what it stands for and not settling for Olivia which we don't like or 2) Lively, which we would never call her by that full name (always go by Liv), but do like the added meaning and the fact that she would no longer have to have a nickname ("just Liv") as a full name. Also I'm adding Livy/Livvy as another option just to see what people think; but I think that's even worse nickname-sounding than Liv, as well as too little girly for her to grow into with it as a full name. Thank you!

Baby girl: Liv/Lively 169 votes

92% 157 votes
4% 7 votes
1% 2 votes
1% 3 votes

Re: Baby girl: Liv/Lively

  • What about Livia? Or Olive? I like both of those better than the other options

    I have come across and considered both of those as options, but dh and I don't like them and would consider Olivia over those probably :/ thanks for your reply/help!
  • Thanks @mjreilly2‌ , Liv is def my favorite and I'm stretching myself for those other names to avoid "it's a nickname-name" conflicts, so I'm glad to see support for Liv and that some people have no issue with it!
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  • Of those, Liv.
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  • Name her what you are going to call her. Just name her Liv.

  • Liv is great. Lively and all the other options are not. I'd go with Liv.
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  • Liv. I know a Liv and her real name is Olivia but she hates it and never users it. Olive is just horrible...I don't get why people like this name. Liv is cute!
  • Spin313Spin313 member
    My friend has a daughter that is just Liv. I think it's fine as a stand-alone.

  • EXL311EXL311 member
    I really love Liviana nn Liv.  Really really don't like Lively for a fn.
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  • I think Liv by itself is fine.  It's definitely the best.  
  • Definitely Liv. I cringed at Lively...I actually thought of Blake Lively at first when I read it, so I grouped it with names like Aniston and Jolie. A big nay!

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  • Thanks everyone! I had no idea Liv by itself would be so widely accepted, I feel much better about it now!
  • You could do Lavinia, but I think liv is lovely by itself.
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  • My husband and I have been struggling with this too, we are 7 months along with a girl. We love the name "Liv" and I really love the meaning "Protector/ Life" and that it's Scandinavian in origin. We've debate with naming her "Olivia", "Olive" or "Livina", but we know how popular "Olivia" is and we're not huge fans of "Olive" or "Livina", and we really are going to call her "Liv" or "Livy" anyways. Only reason we would go with Olivia or other variations would be to give her more options, and I know my parents and some others have had reactions to "Liv" saying it was only a nickname. I never knew it would be so hard to make a decision on a name! It makes me feel better to know that "Liv" has so many positive reactions as a stand alone name. We are going to use "Claire" as a middle name. I think that "Liv" is a beautiful strong feminine name, and you could always have the option of "Livy" as a nickname from "Liv" 
  • How are you pronouncing Liv?  I have always heard it pronounced like the first syllable in liver, not like the first syllable in lively, so the idea of using Lively as a full name to Live confounds me (and not just b/c Lively as a name is ridiculous).  Anyways, I don't love Liv, since I know approximately 10 thousand children named Olivia and called Liv/Livvy... the charm has really worn off for me.  I would sort of prefer to see it as a nickname for Olive, but really, Liv is a perfectly acceptable stand alone name (and this is coming from someone who always prefers a full name to a nickname, b/c yeah, I like options).
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