Two Under 2

Toddler Night Waking due to Newborn

DD is 17 months and DS is 6 weeks. DD has been sleeping through the night since about 3 months and goes down awake after a bedtime routine. Night wakings have never been an issue..the kid barely made a peep and we would see a new tooth the next day. The past 2 nights she is standing in her crib sobbing uncontrollably which I can only attribute to the new baby. DH has gone in and tried to get her back to sleep, but once out back in her crib she awakens and proceeds to lose her shit all over again. Should we just let her CIO? I hate to do that but consoling her and getting her back to sleep for 2 hours doesn't seem to be working. Any advice or has anyone been in the same boat(and made it out alive)? Please give me hope bc 2U2 is really sucking for me so far.

Re: Toddler Night Waking due to Newborn

  • Lurking as we will soon be in the 2U2 boat in a few months, but what I can tell you is that DS is 17mo as well and going thru the same thing. There's a wonder week/leap at 71weeks that seems to be screwing with our wonderful STTN as well. So far I've only had to rub his back for a few minutes and he's back out. I'm trying to avoid lifting him out of the crib as I don't want to start a bad habit and would much rather encourage his ability to help in soothing himself. Good luck momma!

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  • Google the 18-month sleep regression. My dd is 22 months now, and I still cringe at the memories of that one. We had a 1.5 week spell of screaming for an hour before bed and if she woke in the middle of the night. If we held her she calmed, but the moment we set her down, she started right up. I was sure our neighbors were going to report us. DD was miserable, and dh and I were as well. Then, as suddenly as it started, it was over. I'd be willing to blame your DD's problems on a sleep regression, not a new sibling. While that is miserable, the good news is that it should end soon. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's awful!
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
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