So I'm part of a cloth diaper group on Facebook. One member asked to post a pregnant picture to ask others how far along they thought she was. My response was ask your doctor if you are concerned about showing too much or not enough. Most of the responses were everyone carries differently; what is the point of asking people to guess how many weeks she was. Of course that didn't stop her and she posted her picture anyway. Most guesses were around 16-18 weeks. Well, she's only 11 weeks. And you all know what that means! She thinks she's having twins.
Re: The crazies are everywhere
BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13
Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at
BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13
Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at
Please post her results in a month! But it may make me rethink everything if she is having b/g twins.... 8-}