Cloth Diapering

pocket brands

Not counting custom or Etsy type diaper brands, are there any other brands of pocket diapers with Velcro? I know of Kawaii, BG 4.0, Thirsties, Nicki's, Imagine, and RaRs?

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Re: pocket brands

  • Blueberry is the only other one I can think of.

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  • I thought of another one - Happy Heinys.
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  • km_mdkm_md member
    Apple Cheeks are an AI2 pocket

  • tjkdlhbtjkdlhb member
    TotsBots is technically an AIO, but it's got a flap that you still have to stuff into the pocket.  You can adjust the absorbancy and it dries quick, if that's what you're looking for.


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  • Thanks, I knew I was forgetting some......looking for pockets for dh to use since he can manage to undo a padfolded flat in a cover somehow and snaps are not easy for his fingers to manipulate. I'm also teying to avoid microfiber so I'm avoiding most, if not all, aios.

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
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