
washing baby's clothes

Hello! I am going to be washing the babies clothes soon and was wondering if you are supposed to use fabric softner or not?? I have heard some people say yes and some say no. If you use softner what do you use??



Re: washing baby's clothes

  • When DD was an infant, I didn't use it because I didn't really know whether or not I was supposed to.  I found that I didn't need it- the Dreft seemed to keep the clothes soft enough, and we didn't have any static issues.
  • Instead of buying Dreft seperately, a lot of us use Free and Clear Detergent like ALL or Tide. Then you can do loads of laundry with pieces of your and dh's laundry too. Saves money and can be used in the front loading washers/dryers as well.

    We use a fabric softner sometimes, just a hypoallegenic one without dyes or perfume.?

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  • If you're going to use one, just make sure it's hypoallergenic like the pp said. I've done all the baby laundry (NB clothes, bedding, bath towels, etc.) using All Free and Clear with no fabric softener/dryer sheets and everything seems soft enough. :)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • We use All Free & Clear that way we can wash everyone's clothes together and for frabric softener I use vinegar (yes I know it sounds odd).  I just put it where you normally put fabric softener and it works great, and no your clothes don't smell like vinegar.


  • I still don't use fabric softener.  I usually use Dreft - buy in bulk on sale - and it seems to keep the clothes soft.
  • So long as it's unscented, you can use it.
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