Hi, I was hoping you ladies could offer some advice. My LO is 5 1/2 months old, but he was born 1 month early. At the end of March he slept through the night for 3 weeks straight. Then it was over...Since the start of April he has been up multiple times a night. Sometimes every 2 hours, sometimes only once it just really depends. We have started solids and he is starting to really enjoy it. I have a really hard time letting him CIO and it only lasted about 3 minutes until I caved in. We have tried co-sleeping and even that doesn't help much either. LO can roll on to his belly but not back, so sometimes that wakes him up. Oh, and when he is up during the night sometimes he eats 3 ounces, and sometimes only 1.
Not sure if this is just a phase we need to keep powering through or if anyone has an helpful advice. Thanks!
Re: need sleep help