I have been MIA for a bit...it got slow here and my life got hectic, so TB is what got left out. I'm trying to come back and remember to check in here.
Like I said, my life got a little hectic. Some things went kind of spiraling out of control but I think I've gotten a handle back on things.
Ian is potty trained! Well, I guess not completely because he doesn't just go on his own, I have to take him about every 2 hours...but he is starting to tell me when he has to go. He hasn't had on a diaper (except for bed time) in a month. He also moved to a big boy bed a couple months ago. And it's really good because it's still very "baby bed" like, as in it has rails on both sides so he can't roll off. He had no issues with that transition. Let's see, what else...he's growing like a weed, talking up a storm (repeats EVERYTHING!), drives me crazy watching Caillou, LOVES being outside but has inherited my lack of interest for the water, is such a boy-trucks, trains, car, motorcycles!, all around a really awesome little boy. He can be very stubborn at times, and I miss 7:30 bed times, but I'm blessed! I'm still doing this as a single mom, though it's really hard sometimes, I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Still around. I pop in occasionally to check in on the TTC check in ladies. This board is so dead unfortunately I don't feel like there is much to contibute.
We are doing well. Landon is one spunky little boy and I love him to pieces. He is so smart and talks up a storm all day long, almost to the point of annoyance. He loves to count, loves learning about letters and shapes, and is so physical. I can't wait for him to be able to start sports like t-ball as he is a champ in our back yard!
I am due with baby 2 late September so just trying to survive another high risk pregnancy while parenting Landon basically solo as DH is out of town 90% of the time.
I check in every now and again, but not much going on on this board anymore. Busy mamas I guess We're doing great. Moved Ash to a toddler bed about two weeks ago. The transition was easy and she sleeps better in the toddler bed then she ever did in her crib. I thought naps might be a challenge, but nope! We haven't started potty training officially yet, we're going to wait until July, but she's halfway there just from the heard mentality of daycare, and she will ask to use the toilet for pees.
Dh and I are thinking of starting to try for baby #2 in September. We'll see how we feel about it then
I'll keep checking this thread, how to see more updates!
We're doing well over here! Nat is as active as ever. We started swimming lessons last week and she is doing great so far! She is also talking up a storm but its a combination of talking and babbling. She loves watching Frozen and will repeat "Let It Go" about a million times a day Lately she's had an obsession with playing with her mermaid dolls, basketballs, and coloring. She especially likes it when we draw shapes/numbers/letters and she says what they are. We haven't started potty training yet but I think we will after our vacation in July. Transitioning into a bigger bed has been challenging, though, so we are going about it slowly!
Baby #2 is due in October and we just had our anatomy scan done on Thursday. Baby is perfect and we can't wait to meet him/her in a few months! But it will also making potty training and bed transitioning much more challenging with the added belly and feeling exhausted!
We are doing well. Very busy! Daisy is learning all sorts of things from her brother, abc's, shapes, colors. She's quite the littler talker with a lot of attitude she loves to draw and playing outside in the dirt is her favorite right now. We're following we lead on potty training and not forcing it really. I'm sure once summer is over we'll tackle it head on! Ever since my mom got diagnosed with breasts cancer (she's doing great btw!) I've thought more about my own risks. because of the BRCA I had my hysterectomy done years sooner than I thought I ever would. Recovery was smooth and life is now back to normal. It was a tough decision knowing we will never have anymore children but we are happy with our choice and the peace of mind it brings knowing I've reduced my risks greatly. So great to hear how you all are doing, I've missed this board!
I'm still here! Addy is doing great- growing like a weed and talking constantly. It amazes me how much she remembers and how well she talks for her age. Several people have commented that she seems more like a 3 year old than a 2 year old. We take her to a weekly music and intro to sports class- she really enjoys both of those activities too. Right now she is obsessed with anything Elmo (although she never watches Sesame Street or Elmo's world). We just got her a toy Sesame Street and are slowly adding the different characters- she loves that. Her pretend play is so fun to watch- she can entertain herself for quite a while having elaborate conversations with her "friends."
We haven't started potty training yet. She doesn't seem quite ready. She will sit on her potty before bath time and likes to sit on it, but only occasionally has actually gone potty on it. She still isn't telling us when she has a poopy diaper, so I think it might be a little while yet. We aren't really in a big hurry- she'll let us know when she's ready. We also haven't transitioned her to a big girl bed yet. We have one and we've started getting her big girl room ready- she'll be moving across the hall. We did that early because we knew it would take her a while to warm up to the bed, which it did. Now she likes getting up on it and reading books on it. We will probably consider making the transition this summer when I'm home and can help out more with that. Its hard to push that too since she's never tried getting out of her crib.
As for me and my DH, we've been trying for #2 for over a year now. We had a loss back in August and are still trying. It wasn't this hard the first time around, so its been harder on me this time around. Keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to add to our family soon.
Its great to hear updates on all of you! Its still hard to believe how fast our little ones have grown up.
Hi, I check in from time to time. Madison is doing great, finally talking a lot, she knows her abc's, can count to 10, and knows a lot of colors. She's an awesome big sister to Alexis, who just turned 8 months.
I have been checkin in for TTC check ins, but really that's it. We are doing well. We are only just starting to try potty training, not pushing it though. Her sentences are amazing. She talks to family members on the phone now, knows her colors, and counts to 10, She is so energetic and I so wish we had a backyard I could just let her run wild in! I'm so glad we're updating :-)
I lurk. I like to read the TTC check in every week and silently root for the ladies there, but since I'm not TTC and there's not much else going on here, I spend most of my time over in July '14.
Still here - sort of? I'm more on the October '14 board now with #2 expected mid-October.
Allison is amazing. Sadly still addicted to the pacifier but I'm ok with it for now because I'm not ready to fight her on it yet. She talks like crazy and surprises me every day with the sentences/thoughts/demands she comes up with now. I'm loving this age and am worried about how a new baby will change things but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.
Hi...I still try and check in a few times a week. I wasn't super active before but I still like to read everything. Lennox is doing awesome, he is so much fun. Talking up a storm and surprising us each day by what he knows. I had number 2 in Feb '14, another little boy. DS1 adn DS2 birthdays are 5 days apart. DS2 is fabulous, he is a perfect. We are a great family of 4!!
I am a major lurker now...not as active as I used to be
My family is doing amazing, Miss Emily is a hoot. She has everyone she meets wrapped around her adorable little finger and a personality that shocks me daily. She is 75% potty trained, besides naps and bed time. She is soo smart, she knows her shapes, colors, animals and learns something new daily. She is obsessed with animals... so much that she prefers wildlife shows over anything else. I love this age although she is a stubborn 2 year old who knows what she wants and wont stop until she gets it.
We are expanding our family by a little boy in 7 weeks or less....sooo ready to have this baby
I lurk July14 alot these days but havent made any connections over there, so I rarely post. Nothing compares to Feb12 when we were all pregnant.
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
I mostly hangout on FB with a group of bumpies there or on the special needs board.
Grant still has a lot of issues and no diagnosis. He has a feeding tube (g-tube) and cannot do a lot of things like crawl, walk, or talk. I started to update my blog again recently (www.growingwithgrant.blogspot.com).
Going to start TTC when we get back from vacation the second week in July.
I check in every now and again, but not much going on on this board anymore. Busy mamas I guess We're doing great. Moved Ash to a toddler bed about two weeks ago. The transition was easy and she sleeps better in the toddler bed then she ever did in her crib. I thought naps might be a challenge, but nope! We haven't started potty training officially yet, we're going to wait until July, but she's halfway there just from the heard mentality of daycare, and she will ask to use the toilet for pees.
Dh and I are thinking of starting to try for baby #2 in September. We'll see how we feel about it then
I'll keep checking this thread, how to see more updates!
@YaNeverKnow Read my previous post... this thing isn't letting me tag you!
I check in every now and again, but not much going on on this board anymore. Busy mamas I guess We're doing great. Moved Ash to a toddler bed about two weeks ago. The transition was easy and she sleeps better in the toddler bed then she ever did in her crib. I thought naps might be a challenge, but nope! We haven't started potty training officially yet, we're going to wait until July, but she's halfway there just from the heard mentality of daycare, and she will ask to use the toilet for pees.
Dh and I are thinking of starting to try for baby #2 in September. We'll see how we feel about it then
I'll keep checking this thread, how to see more updates!
@YaNeverKnow Read my previous post... this thing isn't letting me tag you!
I check in every now and again, but not much going on on this board anymore. Busy mamas I guess We're doing great. Moved Ash to a toddler bed about two weeks ago. The transition was easy and she sleeps better in the toddler bed then she ever did in her crib. I thought naps might be a challenge, but nope! We haven't started potty training officially yet, we're going to wait until July, but she's halfway there just from the heard mentality of daycare, and she will ask to use the toilet for pees.
Dh and I are thinking of starting to try for baby #2 in September. We'll see how we feel about it then
I'll keep checking this thread, how to see more updates!
@YaNeverKnow Read my previous post... this thing isn't letting me tag you!
Hey @Sweetest116 ! I don't know if I've actually tagged you in this, I'm not sure how this new bump works half the time, but I am doing great! We're likely going to hold off a while on #2 because I can't decide if we're ready for that yet, and we're enjoying just the three of us for now Congrats on the upcoming arrival! I've been looking around the boards for familiar faces, it's so good to see you on here! How have you been??
Re: Anyone still around?
I have been MIA for a bit...it got slow here and my life got hectic, so TB is what got left out. I'm trying to come back and remember to check in here.
Like I said, my life got a little hectic. Some things went kind of spiraling out of control but I think I've gotten a handle back on things.
Ian is potty trained! Well, I guess not completely because he doesn't just go on his own, I have to take him about every 2 hours...but he is starting to tell me when he has to go. He hasn't had on a diaper (except for bed time) in a month. He also moved to a big boy bed a couple months ago. And it's really good because it's still very "baby bed" like, as in it has rails on both sides so he can't roll off. He had no issues with that transition. Let's see, what else...he's growing like a weed, talking up a storm (repeats EVERYTHING!), drives me crazy watching Caillou, LOVES being outside but has inherited my lack of interest for the water, is such a boy-trucks, trains, car, motorcycles!, all around a really awesome little boy. He can be very stubborn at times, and I miss 7:30 bed times, but I'm blessed! I'm still doing this as a single mom, though it's really hard sometimes, I wouldn't trade it for anything!
We are doing well. Landon is one spunky little boy and I love him to pieces. He is so smart and talks up a storm all day long, almost to the point of annoyance. He loves to count, loves learning about letters and shapes, and is so physical. I can't wait for him to be able to start sports like t-ball as he is a champ in our back yard!
I am due with baby 2 late September so just trying to survive another high risk pregnancy while parenting Landon basically solo as DH is out of town 90% of the time.
Dh and I are thinking of starting to try for baby #2 in September. We'll see how we feel about it then
I'll keep checking this thread, how to see more updates!
Baby #2 is due in October and we just had our anatomy scan done on Thursday. Baby is perfect and we can't wait to meet him/her in a few months! But it will also making potty training and bed transitioning much more challenging with the added belly and feeling exhausted!
We're expecting #2 in late November.
Ever since my mom got diagnosed with breasts cancer (she's doing great btw!) I've thought more about my own risks. because of the BRCA I had my hysterectomy done years sooner than I thought I ever would. Recovery was smooth and life is now back to normal. It was a tough decision knowing we will never have anymore children but we are happy with our choice and the peace of mind it brings knowing I've reduced my risks greatly.
So great to hear how you all are doing, I've missed this board!
We haven't started potty training yet. She doesn't seem quite ready. She will sit on her potty before bath time and likes to sit on it, but only occasionally has actually gone potty on it. She still isn't telling us when she has a poopy diaper, so I think it might be a little while yet. We aren't really in a big hurry- she'll let us know when she's ready. We also haven't transitioned her to a big girl bed yet. We have one and we've started getting her big girl room ready- she'll be moving across the hall. We did that early because we knew it would take her a while to warm up to the bed, which it did. Now she likes getting up on it and reading books on it. We will probably consider making the transition this summer when I'm home and can help out more with that. Its hard to push that too since she's never tried getting out of her crib.
As for me and my DH, we've been trying for #2 for over a year now. We had a loss back in August and are still trying. It wasn't this hard the first time around, so its been harder on me this time around. Keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to add to our family soon.
Its great to hear updates on all of you! Its still hard to believe how fast our little ones have grown up.
BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt18dcc8.aspx" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
TTC #2 since 10/2013
BFP #1 (4.14.14) ~ CP (4.18.14)
BFP #2 (6.27.14) ~ EDD 3.7.15
I lurk. I like to read the TTC check in every week and silently root for the ladies there, but since I'm not TTC and there's not much else going on here, I spend most of my time over in July '14.
Allison is amazing. Sadly still addicted to the pacifier but I'm ok with it for now because I'm not ready to fight her on it yet. She talks like crazy and surprises me every day with the sentences/thoughts/demands she comes up with now. I'm loving this age and am worried about how a new baby will change things but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.
Hi...I still try and check in a few times a week. I wasn't super active before but I still like to read everything. Lennox is doing awesome, he is so much fun. Talking up a storm and surprising us each day by what he knows. I had number 2 in Feb '14, another little boy. DS1 adn DS2 birthdays are 5 days apart. DS2 is fabulous, he is a perfect. We are a great family of 4!!
Glad to read that everyone is doing well!
I am a major lurker now...not as active as I used to be
My family is doing amazing, Miss Emily is a hoot. She has everyone she meets wrapped around her adorable little finger and a personality that shocks me daily. She is 75% potty trained, besides naps and bed time. She is soo smart, she knows her shapes, colors, animals and learns something new daily. She is obsessed with animals... so much that she prefers wildlife shows over anything else. I love this age although she is a stubborn 2 year old who knows what she wants and wont stop until she gets it.
We are expanding our family by a little boy in 7 weeks or less....sooo ready to have this baby
I lurk July14 alot these days but havent made any connections over there, so I rarely post. Nothing compares to Feb12 when we were all pregnant.
Grant still has a lot of issues and no diagnosis. He has a feeding tube (g-tube) and cannot do a lot of things like crawl, walk, or talk. I started to update my blog again recently (www.growingwithgrant.blogspot.com).
Going to start TTC when we get back from vacation the second week in July.
CP BFP 1/6/2013-EDD 9/19/2013-CP 1/9/2013
Baby #3 BFP 7/8/2018-EDD 3/17/2019-Team Green!
CP BFP 1/6/2013-EDD 9/19/2013-CP 1/9/2013
Baby #3 BFP 7/8/2018-EDD 3/17/2019-Team Green!