
Third C-Section

Im having my third c section in late september and i was just wondering if anything was going to be different? 
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Re: Third C-Section

  • Just had my third last tues. My third in 4 years. Everything was pretty much routine except this time it took three times to get my spinal to take... That was STRESSFUL but totally specific to me. I had forgotten a lot of stuff even tho my last was almost two years to the day- like the nasty stomach acid calm stuff they make you drink right before. But one thing that is common with all is the cramping from breastfeeding intensifies with each child so this time it was by far the worse but it also helped my uterus go down way faster than my last two AND I stopped bleeding a week after my c section and my last two took at least three weeks so that was a plus.

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Justabean3Justabean3 member
    edited May 2014
    @SHOPPRINCSS‌ I stopped bleeding after a week and randomly at like 6 weeks pp I started cramping and you would think a murder scene took place . I bled about 3 weeks after that and the OB said a clot must had formed..

    Just watch out for randomness
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  • this is my third in 4 years as well. ive just heard horror stories
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  • My 3rd in 4 yrs too :)
  • I think my third was the easiest.  Mostly because I knew what to expect and how to prepare.  There weren't any surprises and a lot less anxiety.  One lesson I did learn is that the medicine must make me very constipated.  While I was in the hospital with my third, I took every stool softener they gave me.  I also walked a lot, drank tons of water, tea, juice.  I also had raisin bran and salad every day  and all of that did nothing.  So after three days of nothing, I took a suppository.  I got relief within the hour and wish I would have just done that with my other two c/sections instead of waiting days for other methods to work.

    Again, by my third c/s, I had already learned my lesson on not over doing it and to accept help from others if they offer.
  • Also about 1 week after my second i got mersa in my scar. will that affect anything? 
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  • This will be my 3rd csection in 3 years and my dr says all looks great & there aren't any concerns. My 2nd was an easier recovery than my 1st (because I knew to take more meds/prune juice to off set constipation, plus moving around sooner/more) - I'm hoping this 3rd one is an easy recovery like my last! We'll see in a week..
  • Justabean3Justabean3 member
    edited May 2014

    Also about 1 week after my second i got mersa in my scar. will that affect anything? 

    They will most likely give a round of IV antibiotics this time before you go into the OR

    were you cultured before or did they assume? They might culture you again before delivery to see of you are a carrier. I'm not talking about it being on your body bc it's on everyone's to some extents Some people are actually "hosts" and are considered carriers.

    I know this from experience. I have had 3 MRSA infections. 2 on my leg and 1 on my stomach. I tested negative for carrier but they still did the round last delivery but I wasn't quarantined at the hospital which you obviously don't want. He said most hospital policy it to quarantine any "carriers"
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