Anyone have early labor start out as lower back and hip pain? I havent had back pain in a few months and it started after my dh and I dtd earlier this evening. Sorry if this has been asked a million times!
I haven't personally experienced any of it but it certainly can be a sign of labor. I was reading your posts on the 'eviction sex' thread.. Have you thought about timing the pain to see how long it lasts and how far in between? I think that's the only real way to be sure. Is it accompanied by abdomen cramping too or mostly in your back?
It seems random right now. I keep getting some tightening and cramping in my abdomen but I cant tell if its the baby moving or just tightening. All of this started out as abdominal cramping and then wrapped around my back and hips.
You sound just like me. I THINK I might be contracting but I can't really tell of baby is stretching or if I'm sitting in an awkward position or what it really is. The only thing I can suggest based off my experience with DS is to start charting what you're feeling. There's a really awesome app I downloaded today that's called 'full term' and I'd highly recommend it. Hopefully this is the real deal for you! Unlike me..I get teased for a few hours then everything stops
I got up to pee and when I layed back down, the pain got a lot worse (almost took my breath away). I want to go to the hospital bc im a ftm and anxious but I feel like its still early if they are random. I should try that app, thank you for the suggestion!
The day before I went into labour I had really bad hip pain. I thought DS has dropped. But he didn't. So I have no idea if the hip pain has a correlation honestly.
I think these are all good signs. If it were me, I'd call L&D first to make sure they even have a room for you to be monitored. I would also wait throughout the night and see if it gets any worse and see what happens from there. I would HATE for this to be false labor and have the hospital send you right back home. How's the progress been the last 45 minutes since you originally posted?
This happened to me on Monday night for 12 hours. Nothing that was remotely timeable. Again on Tueaday for 6 hours and a few hours yesterday afternoon. From what I can gather from my OB, all the cramping and back pain and pressure is helping you dilate and efface.
I have an app today so I'm going to verify. Apparently, we'll "know" when we have a contraction. I'm so sick of hearing this.
M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!
Had same symptoms here with the backaches - felt like I was starting my period type back aches. Some were cramps in front too but nothing at all timable. Also had diarrhea which can also be a sign I read. Or could have been the cause of my cramping!? Dr says I'll 'know' so I'm just holding out hoping this is a good sign that it's near! Thanks for the app suggestion and GL ladies!
Yeah I keep hearing that ill "know" when its labor. Everyone experiences it different though so I feel like I won't. My pain also felt like starting a period but a little worse
Could be the way baby is sitting. I've heard when they are facing out (sunny side up) that back labor is more prominent. Again, everyone has a different experience, but if you're in active labor, you *should* notice the contractions getting stronger and more frequent.
I would totally suggest downloading a contraction tracker app - it really helped me keep track of everything last time :-)
I know what you mean about being afraid that you won't "know" even though everyone keeps saying it. That's how I feel too but I'm just trying to keep the faith that I am not one of those lucky ones that will just sneeze and the baby will fall out! It's gotta hurt worse than just some cramps/back aches we are worried about, right?! Being a FTM is hard!! I'm at work sitting on a ball, not at all concentrating... Having crazy tightening of the tummy but there is no way I can really time it. Since it doesn't have the waives of pain associated with it I'm assuming just super early labor or BH.
I'm 39 weeks today and am 'a good' 2cm, 70%effaced. The Dr told me 2 weeks ago that she'd be surprised if I made it to my due date which is just making me crazy
Keep us posted @bridetobe - I"m curious to see if they progress!
Re: back pain
Is it accompanied by abdomen cramping too or mostly in your back?
I THINK I might be contracting but I can't really tell of baby is stretching or if I'm sitting in an awkward position or what it really is.
The only thing I can suggest based off my experience with DS is to start charting what you're feeling. There's a really awesome app I downloaded today that's called 'full term' and I'd highly recommend it. Hopefully this is the real deal for you! Unlike me..I get teased for a few hours then everything stops
If it were me, I'd call L&D first to make sure they even have a room for you to be monitored. I would also wait throughout the night and see if it gets any worse and see what happens from there. I would HATE for this to be false labor and have the hospital send you right back home.
How's the progress been the last 45 minutes since you originally posted?
I have an app today so I'm going to verify. Apparently, we'll "know" when we have a contraction. I'm so sick of hearing this.
Dr says I'll 'know' so I'm just holding out hoping this is a good sign that it's near! Thanks for the app suggestion and GL ladies!
I would totally suggest downloading a contraction tracker app - it really helped me keep track of everything last time :-)