June 2014 Moms

Baby Claire is Here!

Ahug77Ahug77 member
edited May 2014 in June 2014 Moms
The planned delivery date has been changed so many times it was no surprise to the parents when, after a full morning of monitoring, the doctor decided to deliver earlier than expected.

An I.V. was given to the mother who was then rushed to Labor and Delivery for a rush C-section.

At 4:07 p.m. on May 13, 2014, Claire Marie was born at 33 weeks; 6 lb. 11 oz., 19.3 inches.

Being able to breathe on her own, she was moved immediately to the specialized NICU at a neighboring hospital. She was hooked up to several machines and was connected to the ventilator so that she would not have to work as hard to breathe with the cystic kidney pressing on her diaphragm.

A preliminary ultrasound of the kidney shows the mass in the cystic kidney is not solid and therefore is most likely not cancer like was expected.
It was, however, confirmed that she has no functioning kidney and therefore will remain in dialysis until more testing is done and transplant is possible.

The mother- me- is a little loopy from the meds, but has no pain and is able to walk short distances under supervision.

Bonus: pictures. I am a fan of filters since lighting was terrible. Please forgive. ;)

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