Late Term and Child Loss

PgAL Check-in

Hope this finds you all well and positive this week! If you have any questions you would like answered, please don't be shy! You can also ask the PAL ladies. Grow little ones, grow!

How far along are you?

Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?

Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions?

QOTW:  I know Mother's Day can be full of mixed emotions for PgAL mamas.  How did you spend the day?  Hoping everyone had a peaceful day!

Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
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Re: PgAL Check-in

  • How far along are you?
    Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
    Beta #2 on Thursday, Beta #3 on Monday, and scan some time next week.
    Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions?
    An increasing amount of nausea, but no real cravings. I'm usually craving something whether I'm pg or not lol.
    QOTW:  I know Mother's Day can be full of mixed emotions for PgAL mamas.  How did you spend the day?  
    We took my mom out on Saturday, went to church on Sunday, and for the most part I was ok. It was just sucky at night when I realized my own husband didn't acknowledge Mother's Day for ME. 

    Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
    Just hoping and praying that this little bean will stick.

    On 10/23/13 Baby Sophie and Baby Gabriel born at 21+5 weeks. They grew wings and flew away from us. May God bless them always. We love you beans!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Phoebe Jaslene born at 19w3d. We love you beba! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • How far along are you? 21 weeks

    Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I had the anatomy scan done on Mon ..Baby was "covering" up.darn it. We go back in 5 weeks for another scan and the gtt.

    Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? My back is starting to ache and I'm having a hard time staying asleep.

    QOTW:  I know Mother's Day can be full of mixed emotions for PgAL mamas.  How did you spend the day? I stood home from church and just lounged around. Dh made me brunch.

     Hoping everyone had a peaceful day!Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Pgal brain sucks.
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  • How far along are you? 14 weeks 2 days

    Upcoming Appointments/Milestones: Anatomy scan on June 17.

    Symptoms/Cravings/Aversions: Getting sick off and on but not as often as first trimester. It's really just in the morning before I eat. I crave meat and salty foods.

    QOTW: My parents and sister and her family were in town so I had them over for breakfast. We haven't announced this pregnancy to anyone yet and only one person said "Happy Mother's Day" to me so that felt like a slap in the face that no one else acknowledged me so I am so glad the day is over.

    Open topic: I really feel ready to announce to family. It was hard to hide it all weekend but we are waiting until the anatomy scan next month. PGAL brain sucks. I find that I try to hide my little bump as much as I can from even strangers. I'm afraid that this baby will be taken away from me too and then I will have to untell yet again.
  • How far along are you? 25 weeks

    Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? MFM on friday and stupid 3 hour glucose test may 27th along with a growth scan... lots of action

    Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? all is well!

    QOTW:  I know Mother's Day can be full of mixed emotions for PgAL mamas.  How did you spend the day?  Hoping everyone had a peaceful day!  I celebrated by mom and MIL and just tried not to think about myself basically

    Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? 

    I need help or advice or something... I found out this week my baby has a velamentous cord insertion, meaning her cord connects to the amniotic membranes instead of the placenta. This can cause her to have IUGR due to not getting enough nourishment. It also makes birth more risky because the cord can rupture during contractions or when my water breaks. Just to make things fun, I also failed the one hour GD test this week.

    With the stress of all this, my husband and I just can't get along. He honestly blames me for these things. Now he blames me for wanting to be pregnant again at all. ("You asked for this.") It was hard enough getting through each day of this pregnancy when we thought things were going ok, but now...? The worst thing is, I have a great day at work and I come home and see him and my stress level shoots way up.

    Did anyone else experience a time like this in your marriage while pgal? Sorry this is so long, but I truly don't know what to do!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

  • mmsweeney1mmsweeney1 member
    edited May 2014
    @mrsgerman - I'm sorry it's a hard month for you. I definitely understand what you mean about the "mama-to-be" comments. You're almost ready to meet your beautiful rainbow!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

  • Bruton8288Bruton8288 member
    edited May 2014
    **LO Ticker warning**

    How far along are you? Going to be 10 weeks 

    Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? 
    Don't have a check up with the OBGYN 6/6 & MFM 6/7

    Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Averted to the smell of meat, don't like it at all.

    QOTW:  I know Mother's Day can be full of mixed emotions for PgAL mamas.  How did you spend the day?  I felt depressed, I laid in bed most of the day. I cried. My DH got me a frame to put Elizabeth's picture in. I associate fairies with Elizabeth, so the butterfly picture frame was perfect. 

    Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
    I feel scared. Scared to have a bond with the baby I am carrying. I feel bad about it, I feel I am shielding myself in case it happens again. That's all I have in the back of my mind "what if it happens again". I guess I am letting my anxiety & fears overcome my happiness. I am trying my best to be positive. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • ***ticker***

    @mmsweeney1 I know several people wit IUGR babies. Its not easy, but since the drs know what to look out for hopefully they can do all they can to help bring your baby home. Have they talked about extra monitoring and things?

    My DH and I stayed pretty in sync, but a lot of couples go through this, especially when the rainbow pregnancy hits some bumps. I am sorry its so difficult. Have you tried couples counceling? You both have been through a lot, but its not healthy to place blame or take the blame. 
    Lilypie - (qptF)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    "Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

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