March 2012 Moms

Hours of sleep for you & LO?

Please share with me:

what time is bed time?

What time is wake up?

How many hours (normally) does your LO get?

I just got a Fitbit and had no idea really how little sleep i am currently getting....and moreso how lacking in sleep my lo is getting also!

He goes to sleep gernally between 9-10 PM and wakes up generally 5:30-6:30am.

I didnt realize he should be sleeping 11-13 hours!! Im only sleeping around 6 - 7 hours a night. geez

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Re: Hours of sleep for you & LO?

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    what time is bed time? 7:30/8pm

    What time is wake up? 6:30/7:15am

    Plus a 2hr nap after lunch.

    DH and I go to bed about 9:30/10pm. His alarm goes off at 5am. I get up whenever DD gets up. If she sleeps in (rare), I wake up about 7.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

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    Bedtime is right around 8. He wakes up at 6:15 or 6:30 every day no matter when he goes to bed. He sits in bed quietly looking at books when he wakes up so I don't always hear him right away. He also takes at least a 90min nap during the day, although lately he's been napping about 2hrs since we've had busy mornings outside now that the weather is nice. I go to bed at 10 or 10:30. I should go to bed earlier since I'm 30wks pregnant and exhausted, but that time to myself in the evenings is priceless.
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    Bedtime is 7-7:30 and he's usually asleep by 7:45.  He's up for the day between 6:30 and 7.  He takes a 2, sometimes 3, hour nap in the afternoon.  

    I'm usually in bed by 11.  DH's alarm goes off at 5:30 and then I get up at 7 (unless DS2 is up earlier) to get DS1 ready for school.  
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    what time is bed time? Between 8 and 8:30

    What time is wake up?  6:45 on the 2-3 days a week that I work.  7:30 on my days home, sometimes as late as 8:30 on weekends (ahh, glorious sleep!)

    Plus a nap of usually about 2 hours

    How many hours (normally) does your LO get?  Normally at least 10 hours at night plus 2 during the day.

    I'm in bed between 10:30 and 11 and usually read for a little bit but am asleep between 11 and 11:30.  I'm up at 6 for work or whenever DS gets up on days I'm off.  I tend to wake up a lot during the night though, so my sleep isn't always restful.  I should get to bed earlier, but DH and I love that quiet time in the evening after DS is in bed.

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    WipzWipz member
    He is sleeping through the night .. usually around 8:30 till just before 7 then  he naps for about 2-3 (..sometimes less sometimes more) with his dad 

    I still wake up constantly throughout the night to check on him, get a drink, pee .. check on him, check on him again  .. make sure he is covered up etc ... so someone needs to sleep train mommy now LOL  Just as well he is still in our room or I'd be getting fired for sleeping on the job.
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    Excited30 said:

    Me?  Well.. I need more sleep.  These days, I wake up exhausted every single day (I never feel refreshed).  For me, I know that it's the weather changing and the UV rays getting stronger.  I'm usually way more tired in the summertime.  I'm super sun sensitive/allergic and it drains me. 
    I'm the opposite. While I have to be super careful in the sun (I burn just looking out a window and never, ever tan. lol), I need the sun to be out for me to feel awake and motivated. Winters are rough with lack of sun. Living in Maine may not be the best choice for me weather-wise. lol

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

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    DD goes to is in bed 7:30-7:45 and usually asleep by 8:15. She wakes up between 6:45 and 7:15. She naps for an hour and 45 min every day. Sometimes naps are longer based on our activity level that day.
    DH and I are usually in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10. DH's alarm goes off at 5:15 and I usually get up at that time. However, being 35w preg, I'm up 2-3 times per night to pee and sometimes I do sleep thru his alarm, but still wake up by 6:30.
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    kaleb87kaleb87 member
    LilNunz1 said:

    DD goes to is in bed 7:30-7:45 and usually asleep by 8:15. She wakes up between 6:45 and 7:15. She naps for an hour and 45 min every day. Sometimes naps are longer based on our activity level that day.

    DH and I are usually in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10. DH's alarm goes off at 5:15 and I usually get up at that time. However, being 35w preg, I'm up 2-3 times per night to pee and sometimes I do sleep thru his alarm, but still wake up by 6:30.

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're 35 weeks already! :) (I'm mobile so I can't see tickers)
    How are you feeling? It seems like you just announced not to long ago! Probably seems lots longer to you. I must admit though that this pregnancy has went by lots faster than with dd, I can't believe I am 22 weeks already.
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    @kaleb87 It has flown by!  However, the bigger and more uncomfortable I get, the slower the days seem to go. ;)  I can't believe you are already 22 weeks!
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    what time is bed time? Starts around 7:45, asleep around 8:30 or so

    What time is wake up? usually between 6:15 and 6:45

    How many hours (normally) does your LO get? so around 10 hrs

    I go to bed around 10 and get up with DS, so around 8 or so hours of sleep for me. It's enough to function and not feel like crap, but I could use an hour-ish more. I feel so much more rested on the rare occasions I go to bed earlier.

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