My LO is sleeping about six and a half hours straight through the night, but waking up at 4 am. I'd like to shift his timing, but I don't see how to really do that. He nurses (exclusively breastfed) when he's hungry and is not interested otherwise. I've gotten some advice from people that I should let him cry at 4 am, but what if he's legitimately hungry, as I believe he must be? I've been getting up at 4 am and nursing him and then starting my day. Will he shift on his own over time? Does anyone have any perspective to share on how to handle this?
Re: STTN but waking at 4 am
Why are you nursing him and then starting your day? Why isn't this treated like a night waking? Is he wide awake after this nursing session? If so, I would just finish feeding him and rock him until he falls back asleep.
My DS had a phase like this and I would just feed him and put him back to bed. If he woke up at 5 and ate and was back to sleep within 20 minutes I would put him back down until our normal weekday wake up time at 6:15.
At six months, she dropped the 4 AM feeding on her own. She seemed to be ready to do it.
We started this so he didn't associate waking up and (more specifically) crying with being fed (he's older...6 months this week).
May be worth giving it a try in your situation as well.