So I bought C a seat to go on toilet, but Im not sure how to start this process. When do you put them on the potty? How often? And do you let them sit there? I have her go to the bathroom with me when I go, and I say "pee pee and poopy" but not really sure how to do this? Is there a good article out there or book?
Re: potty training
Our pedi suggested we start putting her on the potty at times when we thought she would need to go. Then once she can associate the two, its time to try big girl panties. If that doesn't work... stop and try again in a few weeks. To me, that seems to simple.
My mom gave me a book on how to do it in a day, but I haven't read it yet. I'm not ready for PT yet!
Wickedly nice Step Mom to JJ since 5/2/09
Born 7/26/01-- Adopted 3/6/02
Two and a Half Years, Too Many Treatments, One Precious Miracle
Abby born 11/5/12