August 2013 Moms

SAHM check in

Sorry I haven't posted this in a couple weeks. I've been busy napping & eating Bon bons. ;)

How was your weekend? Did you get any mommy time?

Plans/goals for the week?

What is one area you would like to improve in? It can be personal, as a wife/mom, anything you would like to work on.

Re: SAHM check in

  • Man, I haven't been on TB in ages!

    My weekend was good. Saturday I did a 5k Heart Walk. In memory of my cousin who lost her baby at 29 days old, due to several heart defects.

    Celebrate Sunday with my babies. :)

    Goal: Exercise more. I'm down 9.2 lbs since 5/1. Whoop!

    I really need to improve in housework. I am so busy I really slack off.



  • My weekend was great. It is finally sunny and nice here so we spent a lot of time outside.

    Plans: Try to make it to one of the babywearing walks this week and catch up on laundry.

    I need to get better at cleaning the house. I keep the house tidy and I clean the kitchen every morning but I had great spring deep cleaning plans that went by the wayside already. I need to get better at cleaning when LO takes his afternoon nap.

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  • Weekend was not great. H is sick so he was crabby with an annoying cough that kept me awake.

    Plans: gonna be ridiculously hot this week so we have plans to go to a pool tomorrow with another mom & her kid. Thursday the preschool has a field trip to a kids concert, and Friday I have to work @the preschool. Busy week!

    I would like to work on exercising more. I used to hit the gym frequently but since baby #2 came, it's been considerably more difficult. I hate bringing him to the daycare because he's crawling all over and I feel like he will get sick immediately. He's also having some real stranger anxiety right now so he'll freak if I leave. I just need to buck up and do some home DVDs when I get time. When I actually have a spare kid-free hour, I'm so exhausted that all I want to do is relax. It's hard to motivate!!
  • Weekend was good. Spent Saturday doing yard work. Sunday we had family over to hang out. I'm tired and my back is out. 

    My goal for the week is some more yard work; we replaced DD's swing set and put the new one in a new location. I need to rake up all the wood chips from where the old one was so I can get grass seed down. I also have some plants to transplant. It's supposed to be cool and rainy at the end of the week so I really need to get it done now. 
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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  • My weekend was good. Saturday DH worked on the basement & I hung out with lo while she boycotted naps. Sunday DH cooked 3 amazing meals & took care of lo for the most part. It was a nice break for me :)

    Plans for the week are to finish installing insulation in the basement & spring cleaning room by room.

    I want to work on improving finishing tasks. I have a bad habit if dreaming up a million things to do, starting them & then never finishing.
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